Sunday, September 29, 2024

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Need tickets?

Athletics department needs to listen to students' voices, provide paper tickets for football games

Students have spoken to their government and they are not happy about the new ticket policy. And the MSU athletics department needs to remedy this now.

If something comes up and a season ticket holder can not make a game, there needs to be an easy way for a student to sell their ticket. It's a waste of a fan's money and unfair to make a fan pay for a game they missed.

For the university, and the green-and-white faithful, it's one more empty seat in the student section of Spartan Stadium. With the kind of militant restrictions the Izzone has undergone, supposedly, become a stronger cheering section, it's obvious the athletics department is obsessed with solid attendance.

They should be worried about not filling the stadium.

The new ticket policy has put a damper on the football season for MSU football fanatics. Kudos to ASMSU, the university's undergraduate student government, for acting on student concerns.

A proposed online method is a start but it has issues as well. Chiefly, reliability. MSU's network has had its fair share of crashes and hacks lately.

More important, the printed ticket should still be an option. Students should, at least, be able to request a paper voucher for a game ahead of time.

Students selling their tickets does not take money away from the athletics department and hasn't been a huge problem in the past. Despite what Mark Hollis, the associate director of the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, might dream up, there's not a problem with students selling their tickets to the opposing team's fans. Most seats go to other Spartans.

It's good the department wants to save money by not printing tickets, but the new system was poorly implemented by not getting student input. It takes away the convenience of season tickets, making going to a game more like a mandatory weekend football practice.

Between outrageous Izzone restrictions, a suffocating tailgate policy and restrictions on seeing Sparty, being a Spartan fan is becoming increasingly difficult.


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