Sunday, September 29, 2024

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Terror tantrum

FBI's input needed in debate about terrorist activities surrounding local political activists

Are terrorists' plots secretly hatching in the shell of well-known local activist groups? Or, is Big Brother FBI peeling away the thin layer of privacy that holds together our civil rights?

What might really be radical is the ease at which both authorities and activists can jump to these assumptions.

On Monday the American Civil Liberties Union released a document they received from the FBI stating several local activist groups had been discussed by police at a meeting about terrorist activities. The truth, at this point, is we don't know enough to assume anything. We need to hear from the FBI. We need to know why cops might float the phrase 'terrorist activity' around groups such as the East Lansing Animal Rights Movement, Direct Action and The Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration & Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary, or BAMN.

These groups have histories of using in-your-face protest methods but let's hope they haven't been considered terrorists just because of that. It might very well turn out that the information that's been collected about these groups was obtained in a lawful manner.

Regardless of what turns up, this situation, yet again, brings the USA Patriot Act back under the public microscope. We have to make sure it's serving the purpose it was intended for - preventing terrorist acts - and not quelling the few voices brave enough to challenge government decisions.

Because, despite what people might feel about some of these groups or their tactics, they are vital to the process of democracy. It might seem excessive every time Direct Action members chain themselves to something to make a point, but they are flexing the often neglected free-speech muscle. And the FBI is the intellectual line of defense we need to remain a peaceful country.

Not surprisingly, Direct Action and BAMN have already taken the chance to come out against the FBI and accuse them of illegally spying on citizens. But as Kary Moss, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan, put it, "How they got the information is an open question... a very important question." One that isn't clear. Save the placards and handcuffs until something solid turns up.

Both activists and authorities need to have patience with each other to get this situation sorted out. How many times have you heard someone say they support parts of the Patriot Act, or it's a good idea that needs work? There's good potential here to examine the use of the Patriot Act and see if it protects our country.

This laws exists, and we have to live with it. So, let's use this situation to change the law to better suit us or gather evidence to show why it should be done away with.

In a perfect world, government would be transparent, and everyone would have a stake in making decisions; there would be no FBI or activist groups.

Unfortunately, the power of democracy most often is excessively used to excavate the truth. Let's make sure we take the time and patience to uncover it before we take action.


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