Sunday, September 29, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Step forward

First mainline religious congregation finally makes move in supporting same-sex marriage

In May, we wrote an editorial piece expressing our confusion as to why, in today's quickly advancing society, religion is the one thing progressing at a snail's pace. ("Welcome home" SN 5/19).

That particular editorial was inspired by the publicized inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons into local religious organizations, a move with which we are in total agreement.

Although we are still in the dark regarding the lack of much-needed evolution in mainline religions, we are pleased by a recent, giant leap taken by the United Church of Christ general synod.

The church passed a resolution last week that officially supports same-sex marriages. The United Church of Christ is the first mainline denomination to do so publicly and completely.

We support the inclusion of people, not the exclusion. We support acceptance, education and appreciation - not prejudice. Therefore, we are thoroughly in favor of this recent step.

The Bible is open to interpretation. One interpretation is that homosexuality is a sin. Although we don't agree with this, we do respect that it is a viewpoint shared by many people. But that doesn't mean it's true, nor should it be regarded as the only valid interpretation of the Bible.

It's important that everyone, those opposed to and those accepting of same-sex marriage, have a religious organization which caters to their beliefs.

For that reason, we also respect the wishes of one branch - Atlanta's Center Congregational Church - to separate from the United Church of Christ. The church will re-align with the National Association of Congregational Churches.

Everyone should have a voice, and it's time that practicing Christian members of the LGBT community can find a place to call home.

It's just a matter of time before other religious organizations make the same big step as the United Church of Christ, marking another victory in the fight for LGBT civil rights.

Hopefully others will follow such a courageous - and welcoming - move.


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