Sunday, September 29, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Edible options

New on-campus eateries offer healthier, non-corporate fare; fast food will not be missed

When fall classes resume, students will finally have more unique choices to choose from when it comes to on-campus snacks.

Grill 155, specializing in burgers and sandwiches; La Vincita, an Italian eatery; and Woody's Oasis, which has the local market cornered for Middle Eastern cuisine, will replace fast food staples Taco Bell, Little Caesars Pizza and Wendy's in the International Center and the Union. The MSU Dairy Store also will have a second location in the Union.

Don't worry if you haven't heard of Grill 155 or La Vincita - we hadn't either. And in all honesty, we've never eaten the food these places have to offer.

But we do know that we're glad to have more options than the low-quality meat and cheese offered by most fast-food joints.

We hope the new restaurants do well with their business, and we also hope they provide the campus with delicious alternatives to fast food.

However, a rise in quality cannot mean a rise in price when it comes to campus eateries. After all, we students can't afford to pay much more than $5 per meal. And we'd prefer if it were even cheaper.

Many college students have a habit of letting their health slide in favor for convenience or price, and having only unhealthy fast food restaurants on campus doesn't help. It's hard to resist a convenient meal.

But we're doubly pleased with the addition of Woody's Oasis to the International Center, not only because the food is delicious, but also because it is healthy. Most restaurants in a students' budget can't achieve both of those criteria.

Blimpie and Subway, two sandwich joints with the reputation of serving healthier fare, will remain at the Union and the International Center, respectively. So for people not brave enough to try the new food options, your well-loved submarine sandwich staples will still be there.

Although Taco Bell, Little Caesars Pizza and Wendy's addicts will have to travel a little further to cater to their stomachs, the addition of new eateries we've never even heard of will likely prove to be a good move.


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