Sunday, September 29, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

It's about time

Sparty's new location maintains visibility, will protect the statue against any further damage

Finally, one of the largest free-standing ceramic statues in the world, also an icon of our university, has been moved to a more practical location.

The nearly 10-foot sculpture of Sparty has been situated at the intersection of Kalamazoo Street and Red Cedar Road and Chestnut Road since 1945. Combined with pedestrians and bicyclists, this three-road intersection can confuse the heck out of people who have been on campus for years - let alone visitors.

During the years, ceramic Sparty's lost some toes, has been dismembered and also filled with water. If left outside to the hand of indecisive and often brutal Mother Nature, Sparty won't last any longer than a new business on Grand River Avenue.

The good news is that he's found a new home inside the to-be-developed section of Spartan Stadium. There, he will be safe from Michigan fans and the elements.

The sentimental people among us feel moving Sparty into the stadium creates an erroneous feeling that the statue is a symbol of MSU sports, rather than strength.

But we feel that Sparty is an icon of the university and should be placed where he will be protected and appreciated, and the stadium is the perfect spot.

The three-road intersection where he once stood will be renovated into a three-way stop. And a new bronze statue of Sparty will be placed behind the intersection. It will give MSU marching band members more space to guard our beloved icon, and most importantly, it won't be in the way.

The latest news in the Sparty saga is good news: It will give people the ability to enjoy both Spartys up close, without fear of being run over.


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