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Students rally for higher education funding

March 24, 2011
University of Michigan Dearborn students Callie Wyatt, left, and Teodora Jiga protest budget cuts Thursday afternoon in front of the State Capitol Building. Students from universities all over Michigan came together to protest governor Rick Synder's proposed budget cuts for higher education. Matt Hallowell/The State News
University of Michigan Dearborn students Callie Wyatt, left, and Teodora Jiga protest budget cuts Thursday afternoon in front of the State Capitol Building. Students from universities all over Michigan came together to protest governor Rick Synder's proposed budget cuts for higher education. Matt Hallowell/The State News

Students representing public universities from across Michigan gathered to voice their frustration with the state of higher education funding Thursday at the Capitol building, 100 N. Capitol Ave., in Lansing.

The rally was hosted by the Student Association of Michigan, or SAM, a student coalition with representatives from 15 Michigan universities. SAM advocates for the promotion of higher education in state government.

The event featured student and professional speakers from across the state who voiced their opinions on proposed cuts to higher education funding. Gov. Rick Snyder has proposed to cut universities’ state funding by as much as $360 million collectively.

MSU’s share of that could be as much as $61 million, although $18 million of that could be recouped if the university keeps tuition increases at 7 percent or less.

Jay Gage, a representative of SAM and a Lake Superior State University student, said support for higher education funding is important because an investment in students is an investment in the future.

“The students are the future leaders and the future workers of the state,” Gage said. “I think it’s a shame that (the state government is) subsidizing different avenues of different things in the state without focusing on the future.”

Having MSU representation at the rally particularly was important, considering the proximity of the campus to the Capitol, said Michael Lipphardt, director of educational policy and university budgets at ASMSU.

ASMSU is MSU’s undergraduate student government.

“We really wanted to have a representative out today, particularly because MSU is so close to the Capitol,” Lipphardt said. “We believe that our collaboration with SAM and being down here is one of our top priorities.”

Penny Gardner, the president of the Union of Nontenure-Track Faculty at MSU and assistant professor of writing, rhetoric & culture and veterinary medicine spoke at the rally. As an educator, she said she has been able to see the potential of many students for higher education and wanted to make sure they were not hindered by lack of funding.

“Knowing these students, and knowing how talented they are, I don’t want to see them not have the opportunities that they should,” Gardner said.

Compared to showings from other universities, MSU’s small turnout was disappointing, journalism junior Kate Mudgett said.

Mudgett said the issue of higher education funding is pertinent to all MSU students and said more involvement from the student body as a whole in the cause would be appropriate.

“(All MSU students) should be involved — this is their fight too,” she said.

Snyder appreciates students’ involvement in the political process, and while he supports higher education, all issues must be examined thoroughly, his spokeswoman Sara Wurfel said.

“The governor definitely very much respects students getting engaged,” Wurfel said. “The overall budget and tax plan is very comprehensive and (he) feels there are very tough issues, but Gov. Snyder does feel that higher education … is critical for the state.”

State Rep. Joan Bauer, D-Lansing, said she was pleased with the student turnout for the rally. Bauer is the minority vice chair of the House higher education subcommittee.

“I encourage students to continue letting their voices be heard, contacting their legislators and coming down to the Capitol to make their voices heard,” Bauer said.

Staff writer Zane McMillin contributed to this report.

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