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Chelsea Clinton coming to MSU for Thursday event

September 19, 2016
Chelsea Clinton speaks before introducing her mom and Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton on the final day of the Democratic National Convention on July 28, 2016 at Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia.  Clinton became the first woman to accept the nomination of a major party for the presidential election.
Chelsea Clinton speaks before introducing her mom and Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton on the final day of the Democratic National Convention on July 28, 2016 at Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia. Clinton became the first woman to accept the nomination of a major party for the presidential election.

Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton, will be at MSU on Thursday for an event, according to Clinton's website. The official event will be hosted by the MSU College Democrats, organized with the Michigan Democratic Coordinated Campaign.

Chelsea Clinton, who has been on the campaign trail for her mother, will be on campus for an event at the Union from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

"This is not just an MSU event, it’s a Michigan students event,” membership director for MSU College Democrats Kyle Flynn said. “Generally, we’re just going to trying to get as many students from as many different campuses as we can.”

Chelsea Clinton last visited East Lansing for a campaign event in March. 

Chelsea Clinton will be speaking on “the importance of getting out to vote and supporting Hillary and her campaign and doing all we can, and explaining why she supports Hillary and why it’s important for students to do (so) as well,” Flynn said.

The event is open to the public by RSVP. Those who want to attend can RSVP on Clinton's website

Update: Clinton will also be attending a private breakfast in East Lansing on Friday morning, MSU College Democrats president Daniel Eggerding said.

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