Recent Articles
Misogyny breeds fear on campus
Maybe it’s because I’m an angry, man-hating, feminist, liberal b****, but I can’t help but notice the not-so-subtle misogyny that runs rampant on Michigan State’s campus on a daily basis.
Roommate strife teaches life lesson
Four years ago, when I first arrived at Michigan State, I was not the same person I am today. Just as I’m sure the majority of college students have seen themselves transform over their college careers — hopefully in positive ways — I like to think I’ve shared in that experience as well.
Race shouldn’t be defining label
Throughout my entire life, I’ve been asked the question: “What are you?” Meaning, what is your ethnic background? I’ve always hated this question, but usually I just cringe and answer politely: “My father is black, and my mother is white.” But what am I? I don’t really know how to answer that. I like to think being American should be a good enough answer.
Ryan ignores women’s rights
Since Mitt Romney named Paul Ryan as his vice presidential candidate and running mate, I’ve heard a lot of negative accusations thrown around about Ryan. One of which is that “Paul Ryan hates women.” After a bit of research, I have reason to believe that there may be some truth to this statement and urge you to consider it before casting a Republican vote this November.
Bill package all-around poor idea
House Bill 5711 and House Bill 5713 suck, and that’s the nicest thing I can think to say about them. Last month, Michigan Sen. Rick Jones quickly pushed the anti-abortion super bill through the Senate Judiciary Committee and on to the Michigan Senate to be voted on.