Thursday, March 6, 2025

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McCain, Romney sweep capital area

Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., made separate visits to East Lansing and Lansing, respectively, this weekend in an effort to earn votes prior to Tuesday’s primary election.


Voting guide

It’s time for a dose of democracy in Michigan. The Michigan primary is Tuesday, and while half of the Democratic candidates aren’t coming, that doesn’t mean voting is irrelevant. It’s the first time many students will have input on the presidential election. But how do you do vote?


U.S., Canadian border to require citizenship proof

For Robb McInnis, going to Canada always meant seeing family. McInnis, a junior at Lansing Community College, said his distant family lives in Canada. He’s been there at least six times during the past three years. When he heard rumors that he might need to buy a passport to come back across the border, he didn’t think he’d be going back.


Students to design store

With space opening next door to her store, Siham Baladi, owner of Silver and Beyond, 333 Albert Ave., wants to add more products and create a more open space for customers to browse through her collection of jewelry and handbags.


Paul support continues

Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul’s MSU supporters are armed and ready. More than 40 people take their places against walls, in corners or on the scarce supply of sofas.


Library makes printing tree-friendly

Students printing at the Main Library now see ink on both sides of the page. During winter break, the library changed the default on recently installed duplex printers, allowing students to print on two sides.


Cha-ching goes the trolley

For Jason Keffer, the East Lansing bar scene can get stale. The excitement of bouncing between local watering holes for pitchers of beer can only last so long, the hospitality business junior said.


Levin gets peek at MSU energy research

While in town promoting Tuesday’s Michigan presidential primary, U.S. Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., took time Wednesday to see the progress being made by researchers in the thermoelectricity field.


Izzo raises cash for cancer cure

MSU men’s basketball coach Tom Izzo and his wife, Lupe, announced Wednesday their plans to join the American Cancer Society in raising awareness and money through Coaches vs. Cancer, the society’s nationwide partnership with the National Association of Basketball Coaches.