Thursday, March 6, 2025

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20 years impacting MSU's airways

It’s a year shy of being legal, but that didn’t keep MSU’s student radio station from holding its birthday party at the bar. Impact (89-FM) celebrated two decades on the air this week, as staff held a party on Feb. 24 at Buffalo Wild Wings, 360 Albert Ave.


Assembly elects interim leader

ASMSU’s Academic Assembly approved a new interim chairperson and showed support for music therapy at a meeting Tuesday. International relations senior Brad McDonald became the assembly’s interim chairperson after he was approved by a 19-1-1 vote.


Students find new approach to Lent

During Lent this year, it’s not about what people are giving up, it’s about what they are giving back. People across the globe pledged their Lenten promises Wednesday, but one trend in East Lansing deviates from the norm.


Flats Grille’s assets liquidated

The possibility that Flats Grille, 551 E. Grand River Ave., will ever return became less likely Wednesday morning, when the Financial Services Bureau began liquidating the business’ assets.


Students rally against cutting music therapy

Andrea Kozminski turned down scholarships at other schools before coming to MSU last fall. The no-preference freshman wanted to pursue a career in music therapy. Then, about two weeks ago, Kozminski learned of a proposed moratorium on admission into the program.


Residence Halls leader moving out

When MSU Residence Halls Association began nominations for next year’s president on Feb. 11, a nomination for current president Mark Dobson caused a roar of laughter from the assembly and an ear-to-ear grin from Dobson.


New proposal could push closing time to 4 a.m.

Students wishing to spend their nights as bar stars will have two extra hours to do so if a recent proposal by Gov. Jennifer Granholm is passed into state law. Granholm made an announcement last week proposing bars be permitted to stay open until 4 a.m., a two hour extension on the current 2 a.m. closing time, in an effort to generate more money for the state.


Study abroad numbers fall

Applications for study abroad have declined almost 12 percent from the same time last year. Cindy Chalou, associate director for the Office of Study Abroad, said students are being more thoughtful about applying to programs and are considering the financial implications more than their interest in traveling. “Several programs a year ago were filled in the fall and I think students were really applying when they were interested,” Chalou said.


Grad school promotes research ethics

MSU’s graduate school will do its part fostering scholastic integrity as part of a seven-university grant aimed at raising awareness for ethical research practices. Along with Penn State University and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, MSU will distribute a survey this spring to graduate students, faculty and research personnel in an attempt to gauge the ethical climate of the institution.