Thursday, March 6, 2025

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MSU hosts Midwest improv groups

On Saturday night, students learned just how hard life would be if the Riddler stopped chasing Batman and became the bouncer at a local bar or club. In this scenario, the key to enter to the bar would not be an ID, but the correct answer to a nonsensical riddle.


Police Brief 03/27/09

An 18-year-old student made the mistake of leaving his personal belongings on a bench in Munn Ice Arena’s locker room Tuesday, and it ended up costing him $80, MSU police Sgt. Florene McGlothian-Taylor said.


Spring greening

As the threat of global climate change becomes more real, local efforts to reduce waste are more important than ever. At MSU, campus officials have set a goal to decrease waste by 30 percent by 2015. And in East Lansing, recycling coordinators have seen an increased effort by students to reuse materials and clean up after themselves.


Festival draws crowd, showcases 100 films

Gold stars on the floor led the way to theaters in Wells Hall, showcasing 100 films from around the country during the East Lansing Film Festival. The movies, most of which were independently produced, might not have sounded familiar to students and local residents, but they attracted a crowd. Attendants and volunteers were buzzing about the turnout and the shows.


Opening new doors

He hadn’t even left home for his freshman year at MSU, but animal science senior Uri Donnett and his family had spent months talking to housing officials over the phone, hoping to resolve a conflict. Donnett, a transgender student assigned to a female floor and female roommate in Brody Hall, said the arrangement would have been uncomfortable.


Police Brief 03/26/09

A 21-year-old woman and 35-year-old man, both from Lansing, reported a 32-piece knife and block set stolen from their exhibit at the Lansing Home & Garden Show at the Pavilion for Agriculture and Livestock Education, MSU police Sgt. Florene McGlothian-Taylor said.


Bill aims to end texting while driving

When interdisciplinary studies in social science and international studies senior Elizabeth Kurkowski is driving and there aren’t many other cars on the road, she’ll occasionally send a quick text message to a friend.