Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Music hones martial arts skills

With pounding tribal rhythms blasting, Bryant Rogers and Mercio Goenha stepped to the center of the crowd. As the intensity of the music rose, Goenha and Rogers came alive, engaging each other with flying cartwheel kicks and soaring punches. They moved with such fluidity the match came to resemble a rhythmic dance.


Mich. may raise income tax

In an effort to avoid a state government shutdown, Michigan’s House of Representatives could raise the state’s income tax by as much as .07 percent to improve Michigan’s budget woes.


E.L. finally gets a piece of the pie

Forget sexy. Mike Busley is bringing pie back. “If it weren’t for grandmas, I don’t know that we would know what real pie tastes like,” said Busley, founder of Grand Traverse Pie Company. “Unless grandma makes you one, the pie you’re buying at Meijer or Kroger was probably mass-produced in California and shipped to you on a freezer truck.”


Marketing, supply chain management could split

MSU’s College of Business is requesting the university’s Academic Governance to approve a split within the Marketing and Supply Chain Management Department. If approved, the department would become two separate entities.


Students honor Ramadan with fasting, prayer

Premedical junior Wazeur Rahman woke up at 5 a.m. Thursday before his biology exam to cram – not full of facts – but with the breakfast he had cooked himself before the sun rose. He had to begin fasting for Ramadan.


Police Briefs 09/13/07

A routine traffic stop led to a wrecked motorcycle and a foot pursuit from the Main Library to North Kedzie Hall on Tuesday, MSU police Sgt. Florene McGlothian-Taylor said.


In or out: struggles with tuition policy

Amitesh Devic works, eats and sleeps in Lansing, and even pays taxes to the state that go toward funding for MSU. So he wants to know: Why is he considered an out-of-state student? Devic, who moved to the area in 2004 to live with his girlfriend, Amanda, pays more than $400 in additional tuition fees per credit hour than a student the university considers to be in-state.


Voting changes recommended

Lansing — Changing absentee voting and improving polling areas were key parts of recommendations made Wednesday by Michigan Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land before the Senate Campaign and Election Oversight committee.