Friday, October 18, 2024

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News | Msu


FBI addresses students concerns

Students in Fayyaz Hussain’s Integrated Studies in Social Science class had a chance Thursday to discuss their concerns about the terrorist attacks with area Lansing FBI Resident Supervisor Richard Licht.Hussain said he invited Licht because students need to discuss their frustrations so they can better understand what is going on.


TV shows bad image of obese

Stereotypes abound on television and some may be harmful to audiences both physically and mentally, a recent study shows.The study, conducted in part by MSU faculty and graduate students, found overweight people on TV shows were involved in fewer romantic, sexual and even friendly relationships.


Electronic nose on standby for bioterrorism threats

With the fears of bioterrorism on the minds of Americans following the events of Sept. 11, MSU researchers are willing to offer help if asked.Evangelyn Alocilja, an assistant professor of biosystems engineering, developed the electronic nose - a device used to detect pathogenic bacteria - and has been involved in ongoing research projects for the past two years.The nose, which can detect E.


LBGT weeklong events a success

The Alliance of Lesbian-Bi-Gay-Transgendered and Straight Ally Students sponsored speakers, training and a vigil this week to promote awareness for students in honor of National Coming Out Day on Thursday.Matt Weingarden, co-director of the Alliance, said the week’s events were successful.“Our job is not to put on these big, expensive events,” he said.


Campus briefs

Post reporter to speak with alumni, studentsDavid Broder, an award-winning national political correspondent for the Washington Post, will visit MSU today.Broder, a reporter whose column is carried by more than 300 newspapers worldwide, will speak to alumni and students during an annual luncheon sponsored by the James Madison College Founders Circle.“He is an important person in public affairs from Washington and has a lot of insight on public services and politics,” said Grant Littke, director of field experience and student affairs for James Madison College.Last year’s speaker was former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski.The event will be held at noon in one of the Big Ten rooms in the Kellogg Center.Students who are interested in legal affairs and government would benefit from attending, said Rocky Beckett, director of development for James Madison College.


Capitol steps host rally for equality bills

Lansing - A rally of student organizations and representatives gathered on the steps of the state Capitol on Wednesday to promote legislation and lobby for candidate support of lesbian-bi-gay and transgendered issues. The event, “Building the Beloved Community: Michigan Students for Equality,” was sponsored by the Triangle Foundation, a Detroit-based anti-violence civil rights advocacy group. The purpose of the event was to gain support for three bills which focus on helping promote gay and lesbian equal rights legislation and preventing gender-related hate crimes.


Depression screening on rise after attacks

One month after the terrorist tragedy, Michigan Community Mental Health agencies will take part in National Depression Screening Day. Agency officials say they have seen a significant increase in the number of people using their services after the Sept.


Medical Technology Program marks 75th year with lectures, dinner

MSU’s Medical Technology Program is celebrating its 75th year with a variety of events this weekend, beginning today. Ward Giltner founded the program in 1926 while he was in charge of the veterinary medicine program at MSU. The program’s history will be remembered, while also looking to the future. Robert Martin, a 1971 MSU graduate and director of laboratories for the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, will speak to students and alumni about careers and public health today and Friday. The lecture will be held from 11:30 a.m.


Volunteers decorating cookies for good cause

Volunteers and staff, including First Lady Joanne McPherson and Kay Watts, wife of assistant football coach Morris Watts, were at MSU’s Central Bakery on Wednesday to frost special Homecoming cookies - all for a good cause.About 12,000 of these cookies will be on sale during Homecoming festivities this weekend to celebrate Spartan pride and at the same time, raise money for MSU Safe Place, the on-campus domestic violence shelter.About 50 volunteers and staff of MSU’s Central Bakery plan to frost cookies this week.


ASMSU works with U to fix facilities

Administrators and members of ASMSU, MSU’s undergraduate student government, met Tuesday to hash out the next step to improve the intramural sports facilities on campus. Lee June, vice president for student affairs and services, and Fred Poston, vice president for finance and operations, answered students’ questions and gave information on what is possible in the future. “I think the meeting went well,” June said.


Police guarantee sensitivity

Being the victim of a sexual assault can be difficult enough, but imagine reliving the experience during a police interrogation. For a survivor, making a police report can be a difficult first step.


U to celebrate patriotic homecoming

Homecoming activities planned for this weekend will allow students to show pride in their country as well as their school. University officials say this year’s theme, Spartan Pride Worldwide, was chosen long before the tragic events of Sept.


Campus Briefs

McPherson promotes open dialogue todayMSU President M. Peter McPherson will visit Akers Hall today in an effort to promote open dialogue among students living on campus. The open forum, which is organized by the Residence Halls Association, will be held from 7:30 p.m.


ASMSU aids ailing IM sports arenas

Members of ASMSU, MSU’s undergraduate student government, and administrators will meet today to discuss how to improve the intramural facilities on campus.Fred Poston, vice president for finance and operations, and Lee June, vice president for student affairs and services, are scheduled to talk with the Intramural Sports Ad-hoc Committee, which consists of eight ASMSU members.ASMSU Student Assembly Chairperson Quinn Wright said he’s hoping to continue the work of his predecessors.“This is the third year of the project that was started by Mike Webber,” he said.


U to discuss terrorist events

MSU faculty and teaching assistants will have a chance to examine and compare with each other what they have learned from their experiences regarding the Sept.


Dino dash benefits U museum

Michelle Libich spent her weekend supporting MSU.On Saturday she cheered for the hockey team during “The Cold War” game between the Spartans and the University of Michigan.


Managers, employees sound off on desired skills

A recent survey about what employers look for in college graduates may be an eye-opener for some. The Bayer Facts of Science Education VII: The State of America’s New Workforce conducted telephone interviews of 701 new employees and 400 managers from companies nationwide.