Saturday, October 19, 2024

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News | Msu


Computer services add printers to campus microlabs

Irritating screeches, jammed paper, poor quality results and student frustration are problems university officials hoped to end by installing new laser printers on campus. The overhaul, administered by various divisions within the MSU computer laboratory, placed new Hewlett Packard 8200 laser printers in 15 residence-hall computer labs across campus.


Pleasant weather equals turnout for picnic

Smoke from a barbecue wafted around Patriarch Park in East Lansing on Sunday.The lure of burgers and hot dogs cooking on the grill, bright sunshine and camaraderie enticed students to the busy park from 1 to 5 p.m.


Ghostbusters car helps greek attract recruits

Phi Delta Theta got a jump on the recruiting process this weekend.Ecto-1, the car from the original “Ghostbusters” film, was on campus for most of the weekend - the fraternity used the car as a recruitment tool. The owner of the car, Bob Lintz, shipped the car from his home in Rocky River, Ohio, to add a little fun to Saturday’s greek tailgate.“(The kids) love it,” he said.


Trustees seek labor contract cap increase

In the early to mid 1980s, a candy bar cost at most 33 cents.Now, students are lucky to find one for 65 cents.On a larger scale, buildings cost a lot more to repair and construct nowadays.Some trustees have taken note of the inflation rate and it will seek an increase from the current $100,000 cap that can be spent on construction contracts and maintenance repairs without the board’s consent at Friday’s meeting.“What happens is, when you go 20 years, things that cost $100,000 in 1982 cost a lot more today,” said Fred Poston, vice president for finance and operations.Poston said the board is seeking to increase the maximum amount to $500,000 and the new limit could help expedite construction projects.


State study shows rise in smog

A Michigan environmental group released data that shows smog levels in the state have worsened over the past two years.Megan Owens, spokeswoman for the Public Interest Research Group in Michigan, said there is a proposal to change a portion of the Clean Air Act - but not for the better.“Changing a section of the Clean Air Act would make it easier to pollute,” Owens said.


Campus briefs

Planetarium to hold public observing The MSU Physics and Astronomy Department, Capital Area Astronomy Club and Abrams Planetarium will sponsor a public observing night from 9-11, Sept.


Student voted onto committee

For the first time in several years, a student will take the position of co-chairperson of a standing Academic Council committee - a position usually held by MSU faculty members.The University Committee on Academic Governance, made up of MSU faculty, students and administrators, elected Kristen Daddow to fill the co-chairperson seat Tuesday.


Fraternities to recruit new members

New additions to MSU’s greek system will be selected throughout this month. Annual recruitment for MSU fraternities and sororities begins with the Men’s Recruitment Open House from 5-8 p.m.


Campus briefs

DCL sponsors free lecture about terrorism future eventsThe MSU-Detroit College of Law Journal of International Law is sponsoring “The War on Terrorism: A Year in Review and an Eye Toward the Future” from 6-9 p.m.


ASMSU may revise operation code

ASMSU’s Academic Assembly will do something the group has never done before - appoint a committee to revise its Code of Operations.The assembly passed a bill last week creating the Academic Assembly Code Revision Committee, a five-person group that will meet as often as twice a week.Adam Raezler, who introduced the bill, said recurring problems with the code’s language spawned the idea.“Over the summer, (Academic Assembly Chairperson) Matt Clayson and (Vice Chairperson of Internal Affairs) Caleb Marker and I had been communicating, and we started to notice that it’s not real clear here and it contradicts itself over here,” said Raezler, the North American Indian Student Organization and James Madison representative for ASMSU.


U research may help horse riders

Horse lovers and riders alike may be able to change the way their animals move because of research done by MSU veterinary and engineering students. Researchers have found the muscle activity and movements of the rider have a direct effect on the horse because sudden movements cause the horse to have jerky reactions.


Event teaches kids about solar system

Abrams Planetarium is inviting families with children between preschool and second-grade to the show “Sol and Company.” “It’s a fun event that includes songs, a sing-along, as well as narration for character voices,” planetarium Director David Batch said. Batch said the show will teach the basics of the solar system that children and their parents can both follow with interest. The show is at 2:30 p.m.


Campus briefs

Exhibition tour to discuss cartoons Curator April Kingsley will lead a free tour of the exhibition “Art in the ‘Toon Age,”’ at noon Wednesday at Kresge Art Museum. Emily Buckler Free walking horse show for students The Michigan Charity Walking Horse Show will take place from 8 a.m.


Dance supports sorority

Calling themselves “The Brody Boyz,” five students busted a move on the Union Ballroom floor Friday. One phrase summed up their purpose for attending the event. To “dance ’til you can’t dance no more,” computer engineering freshman Kenny Morgan said. Morgan and his friends had the opportunity to have fun while supporting MSU’s chapter of the Zeta Sigma Chi multicultural sorority. The sorority hosted a dance from 9 p.m.