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ASMSU gains power to select representatives

The power to elect undergraduate students to academic committees is now in the hands of student government officials. The MSU Board of Trustees approved a proposal Thursday transferring power from faculty to ASMSU members to select student representatives to the Academic Governance system. The proposal amends the bylaws of the Academic Governance system that affect ad hoc committees, which are temporary committees formed by administrators to discuss specific issues that arise throughout the year. The Academic Governance system reviews university legislation and takes action on issues, such as adding academic minors to the university's curriculum and other academic issues. This proposal should "strengthen the hand of students in governance," said Jon Sticklen, chairman of the Executive Committee of Academic Council. "Like every other part of governance, it really is dependent on the grassroots folk to let their representatives know what they think," Sticklen said.


Group to announce initiative to help create Mich. jobs

MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon will join Gov. Jennifer Granholm and others today to announce a new federally-funded, $15-million plan to create more jobs in Michigan. Simon and the governor will be joined by former Lansing Mayor David Hollister and Emily Stover DeRocco, U.S.


Residence Halls Association seeks PR director

The Residence Halls Association, or RHA, is looking for a Director of Public Relations and Advertising. Duties include, but aren't limited to, serving as RHA's spokesperson publicizing all RHA meetings, hall government events and caucus events as well as preparing press releases, talking with the media and designing advertisements.


MSU law clinic to expand services with grant

When Lansing resident Mike Salim needed help with contracts for his small business he sought the advice of the MSU Small Business & Nonprofit Law Clinic. Salim, the owner of three stores, has sought legal advice from the clinic regarding contracts and claims for his businesses on three occasions. "They have wonderful services and have always guided me to the right directions," said Salim, who owns Gold Touch, 5330 W.


Program may relocate to Arts & Letters

MSU's apparel and textile design program could find a more permanent home in the College of Arts & Letters beginning next fall. A proposal in the Academic Governance system would move apparel and textile design from its present location in the College of Human Ecology, but officials are not sure yet if Arts & Letters would be a good fit for the program. "This could be a wonderful match, but how the major fits in — we don't know yet," said June Youatt, dean of undergraduate studies and acting dean of the College of Human Ecology.


Mixed-race conference planned

When international relations senior Jaime Chao applied to MSU, she had to choose the race with which she identified, she said.


RHA works to end racism

Racism — not in their halls. Officials from the Residence Halls Association, or RHA, have created a campaign called "Not in Our Hall" to help fight racism in dorms. The program aims to include residence hall student governments to convey the same message — that racism and discrimination won't be tolerated. Vic Maurer, RHA's director of Racial, Ethnic and Progressive Affairs, said the idea came from something Wilson Hall's student government did last year to help stop discrimination against black students. "We decided to make it campuswide," Maurer said, adding that RHA officials wanted it to reflect the different incidents that happened all over campus. Maurer said RHA officials made the program optional for hall governments because it would be more valuable if student leaders took the initiative to start it.


Cutting out calories

Students didn't seem to notice the physical changes in cafeteria cook Gilbert Manuell until they saw the picture posted on his sandwich station. "Some students, because they've seen me every day, never paid much attention (to my weight loss) until they saw my picture," said Manuell, who works in Landon and Yakeley halls.


Board to consider student selection for committees

The MSU Board of Trustees will decide today whether or not to transfer power from faculty to student government officials when selecting undergraduate students to serve on academic committees. Robert Murphy, former chairperson for ASMSU's Academic Assembly, said the proposal would amend bylaws of the Academic Governance system that affect both standing committees and ad hoc committees, which are temporary committees formed by administrators to discuss a specific issue that arises throughout the year. Currently, MSU faculty members possess the power to assign students to Academic Governance committees, such as the Executive Committee of Academic Council, which schedules agendas for Faculty Council and Academic Council as well as reviews university legislation. "It's merely correcting a small oversight in the bylaws," said Murphy, of MSU's undergraduate student government.


Student group reaches out to Muslim faculty

The Muslim Students' Association is trying to raise awareness in the MSU community that there are numerous Muslim professors on campus because their achievements often go unnoticed among the larger community, members said. The group will bring together more than 20 Muslim professors Friday for an honorary dinner to build support in the Muslim community and to recognize the professors' academic achievements. "We're trying to show the community that Muslim professors are amongst us, teaching and making contributions," said Abdulahi Sufi, a business administration and prelaw junior and member of the association.


No. of law school applicants on rise

Applications to the MSU College of Law have almost doubled in the past five years, at a time when law school applications nationwide aren't seeing much of an increase. As of April 7, the college received 2,731 applications for fall 2006 admission — just 10 applications short of the total amount received for fall 2005, according to numbers provided by the law college's admissions office.


A second chance for Coke

In spite of the University of Michigan's decision Tuesday to begin selling Coca-Cola products on campus after boycotting them since January, MSU students say it won't hinder their campaign against the company. U-M stopped its contract with Coca-Cola on Jan.


Faculty addresses non-MSU work code

A revision to a university policy dealing with faculty's work outside MSU sparked lengthy discussion during Tuesday's Faculty Council meeting. Under the changes, faculty members will now be responsible for reporting to their department administrator about any outside work they do for which they receive financial compensation. The University Committee on Faculty Affairs proposed changes to the university's Outside Work for Pay policy, since the policy hasn't been modified in recent years, committee chairperson Ross Emmett said at the meeting. However, no official authorization from the department administrators is needed and the work only needs to be reported if it deals with the faculty member's academic work at MSU, Emmett said. But several Faculty Council members raised concerns about the vagueness of the policy, such as what type of work qualifies as outside work and what situations are exempt from the policy. "We, as a faculty, have not yet revisited the core of this problem," Dr. Jim Potchen, chairperson of the Department of Radiology, said at the meeting.


Admissions office to accept online transcripts

MSU now can connect directly with instate high schools, speeding up the online application process and saving time and money for the university, admissions officials said. An agreement with ConnectEdu Inc., a Boston-based company providing interactive technology for high schools and colleges, allows MSU to receive high school transcripts online, which is another step in making MSU's application process entirely electronic. "We're already halfway there, but we still rely on high schools to send us the transcript by mail," said Jim Cotter, senior associate director of the Office of Admissions and Scholarships.


Marksmanship club holds open house today

An open house for the MSU Marksmanship Club and air rifle team will be held at 7 p.m. today in the Demonstration Hall Ballroom. Information on the club's activities will be presented, and the air rifle range will be available for those interested. The MSU Marksmanship Club offers different safe firearm activities, including clay targets and training sessions.


New research findings could boost rice yields

MSU researchers have identified a gene in rice that regulates how easily individual grains fall from the stalk they grow on — a discovery that could improve global rice production. Rice is the main food source for about half the world's population, said Tao Sang, an MSU associate professor and leader of MSU's research team. "People in some regions of the world still lose a lot of their crop because the grains fall off too easily," Sang said.


Hubbard takes the cake

The Hubbard Hall cafeteria was voted students' favorite cafeteria based on a recent poll conducted by the Residence Halls Association, or RHA. Brody Hall came in second, and Akers Hall came in third. "We think of ourselves more as a restaurant," said Larry Tarnowski, food service manager of Akers and Hubbard cafeterias.


WEB EXTRA: 'Take Back the Night' aims to bring sexual assault awareness to community

Today, a series of events will bring sexual assault awareness to the forefront. "Take Back the Night" is a daylong event held during Sexual Assault Awareness Month which aims to draw survivors of sexual assault and the community together to help end sexual violence. There will be a clothesline project display in the field near Beaumont Tower from 10 a.m.