Sunday, September 29, 2024

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News | Michigan


National Socialists argue Lansing's counter-event illegal

The Nazi group planning to hold a rally in Lansing later this month is upset about a rally the city is planning as an alternative for people opposed to the group's viewpoint. The National Socialist Movement, a group dedicated to the preservation of the Aryan race and the establishment of a socialist state in America, claims the city's alternative rally would violate the law which requires the city to be "content neutral," in preparing for a demonstration. Both rallies are scheduled for April 22. "Frankly, we may just decide to join the city's diversity rally, which is 'free and open to the public,' and help them celebrate our white heritage," Bill White, the group's spokesperson, said in a press release. Despite this, the city plans to continue with its alternative celebration, said Randy Hannan, deputy chief of staff to Mayor Virg Bernero. "Our plans haven't changed a bit," Hannan said.


Protesters rally for same-sex benefits

Protesters will gather today to rally on the steps of the Michigan Hall of Justice to challenge Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox on whether state institutions and employers can offer domestic partner benefits to unmarried couples. Cox will argue before the Michigan Court of Appeals that any state institution offering domestic partner benefits will be in violation of Proposal 2. "We have descended the voice of the people of Michigan and will continue to do so," said Nate Bailey, spokesperson for the Michigan Attorney General.


Congress to consider lake protection act

Help for the Great Lakes is making its way through U.S. Congress. The Great Lakes Collaboration Implementation Act, introduced by lawmakers Wednesday, could help clean up contaminated sediments and alleviate problems with invasive species and sewage overflows in the Great Lakes. The bipartisan act, cosponsored by Michigan Democrat Senators Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow and Republican Congressman Vernon Ehlers, R-Grand Rapids, is asking for more than $23 billion as part of the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration recommendations, a planning process initiated by President Bush. "Invasive species are destructive to our ecosystem and create tremendous costs for communities and businesses throughout the region," Gov.


Smokin' win

By Danielle Grondin For The State News Despite chilly temperatures, MSU's men's Ultimate Frisbee team was on fire this past weekend.


Meet with E.L. mayor for dinners on campus

About 15 MSU students had an opportunity to eat dinner with the mayor on Wednesday. East Lansing Mayor Sam Singh met with students in the Holmes Hall cafeteria, the first of four informal conversations planned for this month. Singh said he was pleased with Wednesday's dinner, as conversation drifted from community issues to casual chatting about sports. The final three dinners will be held April 11 in Wilson Hall, April 17 in Abbot Hall and April 18 in Holden Hall.


Mich. regulates crops

Michigan could become the 15th state to take away a local government's authority to decide the type of seeds grown on its farms. The bill, introduced in September 2005, removes a local government's ability to decide whether farmers can grow genetically modified or organic seeds.


Apple makes switching from Windows easier

Apple computer users will now be able to use Windows, through a new piece of software introduced Wednesday. Apple Computer Inc. revealed the software, called Boot Camp, which will help Mac owners run Windows XP operating system. Boot Camp guides people on how to download Windows and lets them choose between Windows or Mac OS X when they start their computers. By Wednesday afternoon, Sean Leahy, a software support specialist at the MSU Computer Store, had already installed it.


E.L. parking perks

Parking garages and lots in downtown East Lansing could soon offer discounts for students and part-time employees as soon as fall semester and allow people to pay for parking by credit card.


WEB EXTRA: East Lansing mayor and Guster to promote environmental-friendly fuels

Local government, rock 'n' roll and biodiesel will collide Thursday when East Lansing Mayor Sam Singh joins Adam Gardner, singer and guitarist for the popular rock band Guster, on MSU's campus to advocate for environmentally friendly fuels. The two will meet Dr. Steve Pueppke, director of MSU's Office of Bio-based Technologies, and Bob Boehm, manager of Commodity and Marketing for the Michigan Farm Bureau, at 1 p.m.


Gas prices up from last year

The average price of gas in Michigan is 41 cents higher than it was at this time last year — and the prices could reach as high as $3 at their peak this summer, according to AAA of Michigan. The average price of gas in Michigan is $2.645 per gallon according to an April 3 survey conducted by AAA. Gas in the Lansing area is about 5 cents higher than average for the rest of the state, at about $2.696, according to the automobile association report.


Ballot initiative protested

Lansing — Beginning in front of the Central United Methodist Church, hundreds of students marched around the state Capitol building and past the Michigan Hall of Justice before returning to the steps of the Capitol. The demonstration was held to call attention to the group's claim that Michigan voters were deceived into signing the petition that will put the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, or MCRI, on the ballot in the November election. The rally was organized by the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration & Immigrant Rights And Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary, or BAMN. Jonvonte Porter, a junior at Holt High School, attended the rally and said most Michigan citizens are unaware of the issues surrounding the MCRI. Porter said he came to the rally because he was upset at the attack on affirmative action, and the state's refusal to address the alleged voter fraud in the petition process. "People don't understand the depths of this proposal," Porter said.