Friday, September 27, 2024

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News | Michigan


MSU, zoo help rattlesnakes

MSU is partnering with Central Michigan University and Potter Park Zoo to do tracking research on the state-protected eastern massasauga rattlesnake and eastern fox snakes to help prevent them from becoming threatened or endangered species.


A new 'Planet'

Eight years after her father closed Small Planet in downtown East Lansing because of the city’s redevelopment plans, 24-year-old Natalie Schneider is reopening the music venue in a new location.


Summer gets jazzy

MSU professor Rodney Whitaker’s focus inside room 103 of the Music Practice Building couldn’t be disturbed during Saturday’s rehearsal for the 12th annual East Lansing Summer Solstice Jazz Festival.


Library offers hands-on learning

Lady bug hotels, praying mantis hats and crepe paper flowers were just a few things on the agenda Saturday at East Lansing Public Library, 950 Abbot Road, as the Children’s Gardening Club met and explored ways in which insects can be helpful in gardens.