Sunday, December 29, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Jahshua Smith

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The style of living

Flanked by two toddlers who are modeling dresses from her latest juniors fashion line, Lansing stylist and entrepreneur Ashley Medina meticulously stares down her biggest challenge of the day.


Race issues reach beyond TV special

Anger. That is the most accurate way for me to gauge how thought-provoking the documentary “CNN Presents: Black in America” was. At approximately 10:05 p.m. Wednesday night, I realized I was in fact angry with the material being presented in front of me. Mainly because it reminds me that, despite the colossal strides this country has taken towards the goal of racial unity, there’s still immense work to be done.


Big shot

Freelance photographer Juan Beltran may not exactly be a veteran in the Lansing fashion scene, but his impact in two years as a professional has helped shape the way the city dresses.

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