Wednesday, September 25, 2024

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News | Michigan


Westboro Baptist Church to protest in E.L.

The Westboro Baptist Church, notorious for picketing military funerals, will picket outside of East Lansing High School on Thursday. The church selected the school as a picket location because of e-mails the church received from the students regarding its picketing of soldier’s funerals, said Shirley Phelps-Roper, a member of and attorney for the Westboro Baptist Church. The picketers plan to go to the school at 2:50 p.m.


Bill could increase bike education if passed

Bicyclists could see a safer roadway if a bill passed Tuesday by the state House of Representatives becomes law. The bill, which passed by a 74-30 margin, would amend the Driver Education Provider and Instructor Act to require more education about laws pertaining to bicycles during the classroom instruction of segment 1 driver’s education.


Study finds social media used as political tool in campaigns

Students who get politically involved on Facebook also might get more involved in real world, an MSU doctoral student and her research team found. MSU doctoral student Jessica Vitak invited a random sample of 4,000 MSU undergraduate students to participate in a survey, and received 683 usable responses.


Four Loko, alcoholic energy drinks banned

The colorful camouflaged cans of Four Loko and other alcoholic energy drinks will vanish from Michigan shelves within the next month, following a ban passed by the Michigan Liquor Control Commission on Wednesday. Manufacturers have 30 days from Thursday to get rid of the products — those containing not only alcohol, but caffeine and occasionally other energy additives like guarana and taurine — from Michigan markets, commission spokeswoman Andrea Miller said.


Suspects to be examined for legal insanity

Lansing residents David Marion Jr. and Benjamin French, the two men charged with the alleged homicide of finance freshman Darren Brown, are being tested for legal insanity at the state’s Center for Forensic Psychiatry, halting their trials. Both French and Marion have been charged with two counts of open murder in the March deaths of Brown and 23-year-old St.


Council moves forward with transportation project

The East Lansing City Council received an update on a study about a potential project to increase mass transit facilities along Michigan and Grand River avenues at its meeting Tuesday. Transportation alternatives were evaluated for cost, efficiency and feasibility from the Capitol in Lansing through East Lansing to Marsh Road in Meridian Township, said Lori Mullins, community and economic development administrator for East Lansing, who presented information to the council.