Sunday, September 29, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Student gov't

If MSU student John Fournier and alumnus Matthew Mitroka think they can usurp East Lansing City Councilmembers Vic Loomis and Bill Sharp, they better bring their A game. The political theory and constitutional democracy junior and current city Planning Commission member have quite a challenge in front of them.


Needless abuse

Abuse is a word that can be interpreted in many different ways. Although the first images that might come to mind are of someone stronger overpowering someone weaker - typically a man over a woman - this predetermined notion isn't always the norm. Abuse is punching, slapping, shoving and hitting that doesn't have to leave a mark.


Due north

To many students, an apartment nestled in the heart of the Northern Tier might be the perfect living option.


Easy access

Let's face it. People who don't vote come up with a million excuses when they are asked why.


Vicious cycle

The days left in the semester are winding down and most students are focused on getting their last-minute projects, assignments and exams done.


Movin' on out

The gears to a cog that eventually will change the history of the Cedar Village area made their first turn. The East Village Planning Team approved the redevelopment of East Village at its meeting on Thursday.


Convict control

When a convicted sex offender is able to live invisibly within a community, no one can be sure they won't hurt someone again. Such was the case in two separate cases in Florida in recent weeks.


Mother love

The past year hasn't been a great one for Mother Earth - both on campus and abroad. President Bush again opted not to join the Kyoto Protocol, an agreement among many leading industrial nations to cut back on greenhouse gas emissions.


Impartial jury

A new door has opened in the ongoing dispute between police and students over the April 2-3 disturbances. Although not as powerful a reaction as could be hoped for, the East Lansing City Council's decision to create an independent review commission to hear testimony about the disturbances is, at least, one prospect to uncover the police's unnecessary action. The council's goal is to create a nine to 11 member group consisting of community members, students, university officials and law enforcement officials who were not in East Lansing during the disturbances.


On your sleeve

GO BLOW YOURSELVES ELPD. These crass words, written in block print on the back of T-shirts made after the April 2-3 disturbances, might adequately convey the feelings of students who feel they were wronged that evening.


Dirty dealings

The methods by which our nation's system of democracy functions have turned into a slick mud hole of deception. It seems like disputing the ballot process or - in the case of the latest issue with the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative - a signature-gathering technique is the best way to oust a rival who differs on an issue. History is repeating itself as the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, or MCRI, is being challenged by By Any Means Necessary, or BAMN, a political group dedicated to keeping affirmative action a part of the process in which university admissions and job hiring are decided.


Smoke screen

You know there has to be something amiss when Republicans are advocating more government control in the affairs of business. In a recent case, Rep.


Power player

When Sue Carter leaves her post this summer, there's a decent chance students won't take much notice.


Money's tight

The MSU faculty asked the university for a 4.25 percent salary increase next year, leaving administrators with a big decision on their hands.


Think globally

We are a generation that has grown up with infomercial images of poverty-stricken children who need our help.


Crunch time

MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon's publicly released statement to students about the April 2-3 disturbances is a little like showing up late to a birthday party without a gift.


Suspect sweep

More than 10,000 fugitives were captured last week in Operation FALCON, an intensive, national operation that combined efforts of federal, state and local authorities. The operation lasted from April 4-10 and focused on apprehending suspects wanted in homicides, sexual assaults, gang-related crimes, kidnappings, major drug offenses and crimes against children and the elderly. Such a large and successful effort is undeniably impressive.


Get into gear

At a time when it seems the relationship between MSU students and East Lansing city officials is at a definite low, the community can certainly use an organization like the Community Relations Coalition.


Audible silence

In the political arena, a protest sometimes is regarded as the most potent civic expression citizens are capable of creating. The word protest draws in the familiar images of placard waving and chant shouting which, in and of itself, is powerful but isn't the most enduring method of changing minds. What the members of the lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender community did on Wednesday - crossing their mouths out with tape and quietly making their presence known on campus - wasn't a protest.


Sharers beware

Students beware, your file sharing days might be limited. The Recording Industry Association of America planned to sue 20 people from MSU on Tuesday for illegal file sharing.