Sunday, September 29, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Justice for all

Criminal justice doesn't only mean punishment for misdeeds; equally important is finding the truth about a crime and making it widely known.


Derelict care

There's a variety of feelings regarding nursing homes for the elderly. Some people feel it's an impersonal place for a loved one; others feel it's the only option.


Mystery solved

Yesterday, one of the biggest mysteries of the 20th century came to a close. No, the second gunman on the grassy knoll didn't turn up to put to rest controversy over the assassination of President John F.



It's a little-known fact, but we employees of The State News work on Sundays. That is because the newspaper comes out on Monday and because MSU holds class on Mondays.


Thriller trial

Back in the days when circuit courts actually involved traveling judges and lawyers who followed a circuit from courthouse to courthouse, trials were a community event.


Stem science

Stem cell research has the potential for great scientific gains, as well as the potential to generate outrage for tampering with human life. On Tuesday, the U.S.


Goal of guilt

The latest event in the slow-but-sure push of a pro-life agenda into the lives of women in our state took place Tuesday at the Capitol. The Michigan House voted 69-37 to make it a legal requirement for medical clinics that conduct abortions to offer the option of seeing an ultrasound of the fetus to women who are considering having an abortion.


Wine to go

After three months of debate, what is quite possibly the most obvious bill to have been passed through the Legislature in years has finally been signed by the governor. Last week Gov.


Costly control

The city of East Lansing's riot police expenditures figure of $190,389 for the April 2-3 disturbances is grossly out of line with the $5,775 in damage caused by crowds.


Budget bust

Tuesday's East Lansing City Council meeting resulted in a number of financial cuts and the passage of the 2005-06 fiscal year budget. Among the areas affected by the cuts include the police department, the East Lansing Public Library and the city's finance department. Funding for buying library books was cut by $50,000, but the burden was lessened when council members opted to add $33,200 to the library fund from other parts of the budget.


Cutting care

For those people fortunate enough to receive a college education, health care might be easy to take for granted.


Welcome home

In today's world, everything is being updated constantly. From computers to the Food Guide Pyramid, the progressive attitude of the 21st century is evident throughout the world.


Educated pick

The MSU administration has done the university justice this time by conducting an external candidate search for the open position of MSU provost.


Outside view

From a critical standpoint, the term "unbiased" should always be taken with a grain of salt.


It's about time

Finally, one of the largest free-standing ceramic statues in the world, also an icon of our university, has been moved to a more practical location. The nearly 10-foot sculpture of Sparty has been situated at the intersection of Kalamazoo Street and Red Cedar Road and Chestnut Road since 1945.



In a time when the media takes a great deal of blame for nearly everything it does, it's important to look objectively at the situation and try to find something the media is doing right. Take the recent story of bride-to-be Jennifer Wilbanks, a.k.a.


Fair talk

The city of East Lansing has made a positive step toward rebuilding good relations with MSU students by forming an independent commission to review the April 2-3 disturbances. However, upon closer inspection of the list of individuals on this commission, it seems the city has not gone far enough in its efforts to hear students' concerns.



In the annals of MSU history, Fall 2004 to Spring 2005 will go down as a bad school year for the students, university and city. During that time, this Opinion Page has tackled an assortment of unsavory relationship issues. The school year began with an uneasy shakeup of the liberal arts college, and faculty in arms about not being a part of the decision.


Editing art

Imagine parents putting in the movie "Titanic" to entertain a young child while they go off to do work around the house.


Battle plans

Almost a month after the April 2-3 disturbances, the clouds of confusion finally are dissipating to reveal the facts behind the police's plans and behavior.