Sunday, September 29, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Say cheese

It's 2005. Cameras are everywhere. Almost every new piece of technology - MP3 players, cell phones, electronic organizers to name a few - comes equipped with at least a low-quality digital camera. Many of the images from the April 2-3 disturbances came from camera phones.


Edible options

When fall classes resume, students will finally have more unique choices to choose from when it comes to on-campus snacks.


Affirmed sides

Affirmative action is one of the perennial hot-button topics in politics, and the debate surrounding its advantages and disadvantages is always an interesting one.


It worked

A welcome twist has recently come to the story of tailgating at MSU. Yes, the university administration has finally started listening to people's concerns about the game-day restrictions, in place since last fall, which include a ban on drinking games and a time limit of five hours before games and two hours afterward. Due to the fact that students, faculty, alumni and fans were unsatisfied with the curtailed tailgating schedule last fall, the administration will allow extended hours.


Wanted: Venue

It's Friday night. You're 19 years old living in the dorms. After a quick jaunt to get some food you realize everyone in East Lansing is at the bar or at a party that's getting broken up.


Chief's choice

Chief Justice William Rehnquist will not be retiring just yet, according to a statement he made through his family last week.


Trial overdue

As the poster boy for American military involvement in Iraq, it's good to see Saddam Hussein's name in the news again.


Makes sense

It shouldn't even be up for debate. The initiative should have been passed years ago. The health, safety and well-being of Michigan's population should be more important than a 60-year-old man's erection. It should be, but for some reason, it's not. That's why Senate Bills 431 and 432 - part of Gov.


Shape up

Last week, MSU senior running back Jason Teague had a warrant out for his arrest in connection with the October assault and battery of an MSU alumna, and the East Lansing Police Department claimed to have received no word from him.


Step forward

In May, we wrote an editorial piece expressing our confusion as to why, in today's quickly advancing society, religion is the one thing progressing at a snail's pace.


Movie money

The Michigan Senate and House of Representatives are currently considering bills that would allow the state to levy a tax on movie ticket sales.


Alert abroad

In the wake of the recent terrorist attacks on the city of London, MSU's Office of Study Abroad should be proud of itself for doing its job.


Stickin' to it

Just as there is a code of confidentiality between physicians and patients or attorneys and clients, so too is there a code among journalists that anonymous sources will be protected.


Exclusive 8

Spanning three days in lush Scotland, the conference between the leaders of the Group of Eight, or G8, nations will attempt to tackle some of the world's biggest problems, such as poverty in Africa, global warming, peace in the Middle East and nuclear proliferation.


Real research

MSU is known for many things. Football, basketball, agriculture, the Red Cedar River and, of course, the generalized social behavior of its students.


Serious review

Cortney Woycik was one of the 43 people arrested during the April 2-3 disturbances, during which several thousand people flooded the East Lansing streets.


Trust fund

In the wake of the Enron scandal, it's tough to trust the accounting of any big organization. Thankfully, the Residence Halls Association has proven itself trustworthy.


Cool capital

When a poor college student gets a birthday card from grandma with a $20 bill in it, the instructions accompanying the money usually consist of, "Now don't spend that on your electric bill.


Shared penalty

Say a man bought a gun and later used it in a crime - should the gunmaker be held responsible? File sharing is no exception.


Just judgment

A lot has changed since the 1960s. The physical face of our entire country has been altered. So have our minds.