Sunday, September 29, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Buddy politics

Anytime President George W. Bush needs a high profile nominee, he only needs to do one thing — Walk down the hall and ask an adviser to do the job. Ben S.


Smart move

It's everywhere. Flyers, sidewalks, bus stops, chalkboards and people in animal costumes.


Digital spying

With all the pressures college students have, the government reading their e-mail shouldn't be one of them. A new proposal by the federal government is attempting to make hundreds of institutions across the nation — universities, cities and online communication companies — modify their networks to make them more accessible for surveillance purposes by spring of 2007. Institutions are being forced to make these modifications and will have to pay for it.


Small price

Sometimes the best thing to do with a little extra cash is spend it rather than give it back. MSU received $1.6 million in additional appropriations from the state Legislature beyond what they expected.


Midnight snack

Students don't operate on the same schedule as everyone else. With everything students do in a day, they don't always have time to schedule everything around meals. And now, the university is trying to help out. Bruce Haskell, coordinator of Food Services, proposed a plan on Wednesday that will extend all cafeteria hours from 7 a.m.


Get connected

It's 2005. Finally, MSU is going wireless. Across the state, other colleges and universities have a wider range for students to access their wireless networks. A high-ranking university in diverse fields of research should not be forced to catch up.


Last stand

Everyone deserves a fair trial, even when the person is Saddam Hussein. On Wednesday, the former dictator pleaded not guilty to charges actions during his reign as president of Iraq.


Viagra anyone?

Spam. We all get it and we all hate it. Unfortunately, there is very little we can do about it. It is time for the government to come up with a solution. The recent seizure of financial records, computers and disks from the home of a West Bloomfield, Mich., resident demonstrates just how large a problem this has become. One person operating from home had a collection of more than 150 million e-mail addresses. The same person was sued in 2001 by Verizon Communications Inc., who claimed that he shut down the company's network with spam. This clearly would increase the cost of doing business by taking up time and manpower to fix the situation. Many people do a significant amount of their communication using e-mail and having an inbox full of junk doesn't facilitate efficient work ethic. If it is possible for the government to organize and implement a program such as the National Do Not Call Registry, why is it not possible to do the same for e-mail? Spam filters and laws attempt to protect our inboxes, yet they are still overcrowded on a daily basis. Aside from the annoyance of receiving large amounts of e-mails that have little or no use, many of the solicitations have offensive content. Penis enlargement devices.



Companies have a responsibility to make information about their products available to the public. However, consumers also need to take personal responsibility for their actions. On Monday, the Supreme Court refused to allow the Bush administration to go after a $280 billion penalty for tobacco companies that supposedly mislead consumers about the harms of smoking.


Stemming cures

Imagine, in the not-too-distant future, a prospective mother walking into an in-vitro fertilization clinic, checking a box before the procedure that would allow the practitioners to remove a single cell from a fertilized egg. The single cell will be used to further medical research. The embryo wouldn't be harmed. It's not science fiction.


Erasing lines

A recent study suggesting women are more likely to engage in a sexual encounter with a member of their own sex points to a larger question of how sexuality is defined in our society. Can you define someone in one sexual category? Nearly twice the percentage of women, compared to men, said they had at least one sexual encounter with a member of their own sex.


Oct. 26

Do you remember what happened? You should and you should care. Following MSU's loss to North Carolina in the NCAA Final Four on April 2, the streets on and near campus were packed with students leaving the bar or their friends' homes.


Public unaware

The East Lansing Police Department made a good effort to make itself available and meet with the MSU community at an ASMSU organized forum.


Paid getaway

It's nice of ASMSU, MSU's student government, to have students foot the bill for their "retreat" this weekend. The members must be preparing to be more like some officials in Congress.


Thou shalt not

When the question arises about the placement of the Ten Commandments in public spaces, the answer is obvious: They don't have a place there, except for a historical context. Despite this, it remains one of the major legal issues in the United States. Kevin Hasson, founder and chairman of The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty in Washington and MSU law Professor Frank Ravitch spoke about this very issue Tuesday. We shouldn't be surprised.


Poorly spent

In commemorating the university's birthday, MSU's sesquincentennial logo can be seen everywhere.


Higher respect

Trauma is hard to comprehend, especially that of others. Domestic violence is one of those things people sometimes don't like to think about, but it's something we desperately need to address. When people such as Carol Jacobsen are able to overcome their own trauma and dedicate time to helping others facing the same issues, it gives us a great deal of respect and hope for humanity.


Border issue

Illegal immigration is a hot-button issue. Although undocumented immigrants make up a large portion of the population, the U.



It's starting to feel like the Apocalypse. Day after day we hear about disaster after disaster.


Fired up

We're all grown up now. Let's act like it. This means being responsible: Taking care of your belongings and making sure you don't catch anything on fire - such as your dorm room. A lit candle was left unattended, which caused a small fire in Bryan Hall on Friday.