Sunday, September 29, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Some apology

Fred Poston is sorry students were inappropriately teargassed last April 2-3. Poston, the vice president for finance and operations at MSU, made an apology at a joint meeting between Residence Halls Association and ASMSU, MSU's undergraduate student government.


Primary concern

On Tuesday, you'll get the chance to decide who should run for the Michigan Senate. A special election on March 14 was announced by Gov.


Significant budget typo

Maybe some college students don't understand all the particulars of balancing a checkbook or keeping track of money. But you'd think that members of ASMSU — with a budget of about $850,000 — would be a little more knowledgeable when it comes to financial matters. Unfortunately, however, ASMSU's Academic Assembly found errors before the undergraduate student government's budget was proposed at its meeting Tuesday. The "typo" was an addition error that failed to account for $5,000 on promotional spending and changed the total amount presented on the budget. That's quite a typo. Sure, everyone makes mistakes.


Bill unlikely to succeed

One of the worst parts of being a college student is spending ridiculous amounts of money on books you often don't even want to read. Complaints about exorbitant prices and professors who require too many books are everywhere during the first few weeks of classes. In response to the issue, ASMSU (MSU's student government) is working on a plan that could lower textbook costs through a projected $50-per-year refund for students.


After response

Although President Bush's administration has admitted to a slow response to Hurricane Katrina, it still needs to work a few things out. More criticism of the federal government's response to the hurricane that decimated New Orleans and parts of the Gulf Coast region has been voiced this week as the House of Representatives and Senate held hearings about the slow government response to the disaster. Admitting that mistakes were made in how the hurricane was handled, government officials said they plan on making more than 100 recommendations to improve government response to disasters.


Keeping the peace

Almost everyone agrees what happened last April 2-3 was a disaster. The events that took place after the MSU men's basketball team lost in the Final Four were a shame to the city and students.


Losing the flame

Despite Friday's opening ceremonies for the Olympics being the most-watched program on NBC all year, the games have been losing popularity. The 22.8 million viewers that tuned in are only half the number that watched the events four years ago.


Following the plan

The wait might be over, but anxiety about the East Village Master Plan remains. The new development in the Cedar Village area will include buildings with space for residential, retail and office use, provide higher-density housing and allow for better public access to the area through the creation of a park and pedestrian-friendly streets. There's no question that the development will improve the shabby looking area.


We'll be watching

MSU needs more money, but it's going to have to make do with what it gets next year. We're interested in seeing how MSU trustees will distribute funds. Members of the MSU Board of Trustees realized the need for more funding at their meeting on Friday — after Gov.


More, please

Gov. Jennifer Granholm is starting to realize if she wants qualified professionals to play a role in improving Michigan's economy, the state's going to have to pay up. Granholm released her budget for the 2007 fiscal year (which begins Oct.


Bad move with MCRI

The Michigan Civil Rights Initiative is too important to lie about. Especially when it was so hard to understand before it was reworded in late January. The controversy surrounding the MCRI continues to intensify — accusations are being brought up against the legitimacy of signatures obtained to get the disputed measure on November's ballot. Circulators of petitions supporting the MCRI are being accused of lying to citizens about the purpose of the initiative by saying it supported affirmative action.


Kudos to trustees

Congratulations to the MSU Board of Trustees for attempting to be more communicative. The board will have two discussion items on the agenda during its committee meetings this morning, which is before the regularly scheduled meeting.


Get what you pay for

When you think about paying thousands of dollars for college every semester, $3 is not going to make or break a student's financial status. But how that extra $3 is used is still important. The MSU Residence Halls Association, or RHA, and ASMSU are each requesting a $3 student tax increase.


Over there

Studying abroad can be an amazing experience for students. They get the chance to see a culture and country that can only be understood by immersion.


Planting fruitful debate

The state government is meddling in local matters again. This time, it wants seeds. The Michigan State legislature created Senate Bill 777, which could change who has the final say on what types of seeds can be planted in each county.


Homeless in Motown

Next to the elaborate and expensive parties held for Super Bowl XL Sunday in Detroit, a quieter event was held for the city's homeless. Sponsored by Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries, the event attracted a portion of Detroit's estimated 13,000 homeless people. The event gave people, without the means to do so on their own, the same perks most other people had — a place to eat, drink and relax during the game.


Critical portrayal

Cartoon-related controversy sounds familiar. Last fall, a Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, published a series of 12 illustrations depicting the Muslim prophet Muhammad. Many of the cartoons were meant to criticize aspects of Islamic doctrine, but others associate violence with the prophet.


Looking ahead

Members of the Residence Halls Association are taking a proactive step toward making sure the April 2-3 disturbances aren't repeated. Members of RHA were invited to meet with MSU police to answer questions they might have about future disturbances and how to prevent another one — especially in March and April during college basketball finals. Hopefully their discussion will include plans on making sure what happened last year — when many students were teargassed unnecessarily and police used too much force — doesn't happen this year. RHA should definitely pursue this opportunity and ask for student involvement along the way. Some changes in police procedure could come from the East Lansing City Council, which is considering suggestions received from the independent commission which reviewed the events.


Illiterate graduates?

There are some things people need to know by the time they graduate college. How to read is one of them. A recent study showed that more than half the graduates from four-year universities couldn't understand what they were reading at a basic level.