Sunday, September 29, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Going global

The U.S. government has created a new and extensive plan to combat global terrorism. The plan, which has been approved by Defense Secretary Donald H.


The big picture of news

It can be easy to feel like the war America is currently involved in is far away. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to gain a better understanding of the conflict. For most of us, the war in Iraq doesn't drastically affect our daily lives.


Not so clear-cut

For transgender individuals, choosing which bathroom to go into can be a dilemma. Do they go in the bathroom they are biologically assigned to?


OK, they're gone

The neo-Nazis drew a lot of media coverage for their visit to the Capitol this weekend. And they drew a lot of protesters too. Everything the neo-Nazis represent is despicable and backward.


Lansing's house of cards

Balancing a city budget can be a tricky process. Lansing is learning that the hard way as Mayor Virg Bernero and City Council members struggle to eliminate an $11-million budget deficit.


Not 'us vs. them'

The feud of city residents versus MSU students is one East Lansing rivalry that has nothing to do with wolverines. Although a rocky relationship between college students and East Lansing homeowners might seem accurate — it's actually not as bad as it seems. Families or individuals who choose to live and buy houses in East Lansing are undoubtedly aware of MSU and the fact that a large portion of East Lansing's population is composed of students. But having a compromising attitude from both perspectives is essential in a cooperative relationship. Students have to understand a property owner's perspective, and vice versa.


Musical chairs

ASMSU has been given the power to choose student representatives for academic committees. Now MSU's undergraduate student government needs to make sure they're using that power to increase student involvement on those committees. The MSU Board of Trustees approved the measure on April 13 to let ASMSU choose representatives to the committees, which are part of the Academic Governance system, instead of faculty.


Planning ahead

When Gov. Jennifer Granholm gave her State of the State address in January, she emphasized the role of research universities in improving Michigan's economy.


Don't be afraid of God

College students are usually more closely associated with binge drinking and cramming for exams than religion and spirituality. But a recent Harvard University Institute of Politics poll released last week, shows a majority of U.S.


Speak your mind

East Lansing's City Council is looking for student input on some unlikely topics. It wants to know what you think about parties, noise and drinking. A public hearing will be held today at 7:30 p.m.


Current stalemate

Something fishy is going on around MSU lately, and it's not just the salmon the MSU Board of Trustees enjoyed Wednesday night. Last week the board shut out the public from its dinner inside Cowles House — again. This is happening despite the fact that some First Amendment lawyers have questioned the board's reasoning for closing its meetings. And the official incident report of a February assault in Hubbard Hall is apparently not a matter for the public either.


Save your energy

Even as everyday technologies get more complex and demand more power, boosting energy conservation can be easy. Ah, the olden days.


Shhh it's a secret

Secrecy in the United States government has always been a problem. From The Pentagon Papers — documents former President Richard Nixon tried to stop The New York Times from publishing — to domestic wiretapping under President George W.


Who's Facebooking you?

You know those slightly embarrassing photos of you on your 21st birthday on Or the raunchy comments a friend posted on your wall? Whatever you have on your Facebook profile, remember that your friends aren't the only ones that could be looking at it. MSU administrators, professors and police can also access the Web site as long as they have an e-mail address that ends in ".edu." It's also possible students could get into legal trouble for stuff they put on Facebook. In 2004, some students in Case Hall were arrested for underage drinking.


Breaking silence

More than women are needed to spread sexual assault awareness. In part of celebrating Sexual Assault Awareness Month, on Tuesday the daylong ceremony Take Back the Night was held.


Light up for your right

Dorm dwellers and smokers beware — survey says you might have to light up on the street. After the Residence Halls Association's attempt at surveying students about smoking earlier this year, University Housing is stepping into the debate. But can a public university really ban smokers from smoking in their own homes? Earlier this year, the Residence Halls Association, or RHA, conducted a smoking survey which 1,120 students responded to.


Bundle of protests

Nazis are coming to Lansing. Members of America's Nazi party, The National Socialist Movement, which is dedicated to preserving the Aryan race, plan to rally at the Capitol in Lansing on April 22.


Untrustworthy word

We still want to attend the MSU Board of Trustees monthly closed-door dinners and discussions, but now we might have another person to get through. MSU President Lou Anna K.