Sunday, September 29, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Register to vote on campus Saturday

Voting is a nonpartisan issue. It doesn't matter if you call yourself a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian or Communist, your vote is still important and necessary to further our democracy. So it is fortunate for MSU students that the Secretary of State will provide a mobile voter registration office on campus Saturday.


Slow death for tailgating at MSU

Last week, ASMSU announced a revised tailgating policy allowing 100 students to be chosen from a lottery for seasonal tailgating passes. The new policy guarantees season tailgate pass-holders a spot at the tennis courts near Wilson Hall before every home game without entering a weekly lottery or paying a weekly fee.


Ruling protects checks, balances

Once again, the White House and its mouthpieces are criticizing the judicial branch for ruling against a Bush policy; this time it's their warrantless wiretapping program. U.S.


Candidate opens mouth, inserts foot

On Aug. 24, U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris said a few interesting things. She said the separation of church and state is "a lie we have been told," "God is the one who chooses our rulers," and "if you're not electing Christians, then in essence you are going to legislate sin." The fact that Harris, a senatorial candidate for the 13th Congressional District in Florida, has demonstrated such blatant ignorance of the Constitution and the very ideals on which this country was founded is appalling. To its credit, the Republican Party has made endeavors to distance itself from Harris.


Energy could be Mich.'s future

Gov. Jennifer Granholm introduced a new plan on Tuesday to improve the environment while boosting Michigan's economy. The governor said a $250,000 grant program will be used to either produce new or convert old pumps into what she hopes will be 1,000 alternative fuel pumps by 2008. In order to initiate this new form of environmentally friendly fuel and make it a feasible option for people to access, government support is necessary. Granholm is doing an exceptional job encouraging and introducing this new fuel option to our state. Just this July, she signed a bill that lowered the state tax for both ethanol fuel and biodiesel fuel.


Guest ID policy doesn't fix problems

East Lansing is alive again with the hustle and bustle of MSU's student body. It's official — fall semester has begun. But before classes even started, an off-duty night receptionist was assaulted while trying to enforce the university's new, stricter dorm-visitation policy.


¡Muy bien! to languages early on

As the first step on the path of education, elementary school serves an important purpose. From kindergarten to fifth grade, we learn the basics of math, English and science.


Protester speaks up, moves in

President Bush has a new neighbor, and she's who you'd least expect. A year after her much-publicized march to the Bush ranch where she unsuccessfully demanded to meet the president, Cindy Sheehan, who has been called "the face of opposition to the Iraq war," arrived in Crawford, Texas, on Sunday.


Iraq's War: Civil or international?

Now, some politicians are attributing this to the idea that Iraq is deep in a civil war. Army troops and generals posted in the nation say that a civil war was raging even before U.S.


Teach Internet safety earlier

Have you ever come across an embarrassing picture of yourself that someone else posted online? If so, you may have laughed when you first saw it, but how do you think your mother would have responded?