Sunday, September 29, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



When government needs watching

We've all heard the horror stories of voting irregularities in past elections — hours waiting in lines, dead people casting votes and thousands of votes ignored.


A slow death for MSU football

During the past few years, Spartans fans have endured countless heartbreaking losses to bitter rivals and watched helplessly as team intensity slowly slipped away. Regardless of who is at fault for the shortcomings of our team, dedicated fans are on the brink of extinction, and morale is at an all-time low.


Bush's Iraq excuses don't add up

It has been three and a half years since the United States entered Iraq, and it is time to take an inventory of President Bush's multiple explanations for why we're there. 1.


Evolution should always be taught

More than a century after Charles Darwin's death, we're still debating evolution. Last week, the Michigan State Board of Education rightfully approved guidelines for public schools to teach evolution, but not intelligent design, in science classes.


DeVos improves, Granholm still wins

Two down, one to go. Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm and Republican candidate Dick DeVos continued their attacks in the second of three televised debates Tuesday night. While DeVos' speaking ability improved significantly from the first debate just a week before, his pro-business stance was the same.


'Daily Show' legit? Yeah, we knew that.

Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show" is funny, entertaining and apparently just as informative as traditional networks' evening news. An Indiana University study released last week divulged some not-too-surprising information about the news media — Stewart's "fake news" program is "just as substantive" as regular network news coverage. With little context and analysis on most nightly news programs, this shouldn't be a huge shock, but it should be a wake-up call to viewers who consider their network's news coverage more serious and superior to shows like Stewart's. "The Daily Show" shouldn't be brushed off as fluff.


North Korea should be dealt with now

North Korea's claim that it has tested a nuclear weapon is raising questions and provoking fear around the world. The face behind the arsenal is North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, who, since his reign began in 1994, has isolated his country from the world, resulting in widespread poverty and famine.


Iraq's wounded shouldn't go unnoticed

September marked the highest monthly level of U.S. troops wounded in Iraq in nearly two years. According to a recent Washington Post article, 776 troops were wounded in Iraq last month — the fourth highest monthly total since the United States first invaded the country in March 2003. Facts like this continue to support the stance that the Bush administration has not properly managed this war and still have yet to establish an appropriate plan to succeed and pull troops out of the country. While the media often reports the number of soldiers killed, the focus rarely falls on the number wounded.


Cheney speech is stale, predictable

About 150 GOP supporters are each out $250 after attending a Republican fundraiser on Thursday in Bath Township. The guest of honor and speaker, Vice President Dick Cheney, warned guests that the safety of America is in danger because of the approaching November midterm elections. As crumbling Republicans struggle to keep afloat, Cheney's remarks are nothing new.


Focus on minority health good for Mich.

Last week, health officials from across Michigan met at the Kellogg Center to discuss issues related to health care for minorities. Hosted by the Michigan Minority Health Coalition, or MMHC, and GlaxoSmithKline Inc., the mission of the meeting was to promote a better understanding within our community of diseases people might be prone to and resources to help them. In a state with a diverse population and a disturbingly high obesity rate, meetings like this are vital for promoting a healthy community.


Ignoring Foley only made it worse

It's pretty ironic that a person, formerly the co-chairman of the Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus and a prominent backer of legislation that cracks down on online predators and criminalizes child pornography, is now in hot water for allegedly sending inappropriate e-mails to teenage boys. But then again, most of politics is just smoke and mirrors. It would probably seem that former Rep.