Sunday, September 29, 2024

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Israeli use of cluster bombs unjust

In a genuinely surprising move, the Bush administration will inform Congress that Israel may have violated United States' arms agreements last summer during the conflict in southern Lebanon. This is remarkable for two reasons. First, Israel's use of cluster bombs against civilian targets in its fight against Hezbollah is problematic.


Somber address offers few solutions

Platitudes, empty promises, unrealistic goals, vague threats and folksy, down-home pleas for hope in the face of mounting hopelessness — ah, yes — another year, another State of the Union address. While President Bush, who delivered Tuesday's address, was more reserved and even-keeled than the aggressive, blustery incarnation from past years, the improvement is far from remarkable. On some domestic issues, he made efforts to meet the Democrats halfway.


Michigan's job forecast disheartening

May 2007 will release another group of MSU graduates into the job market with one question in mind: "What's next?" For some, the job search will be relatively short and painless, but many will find it a long and unwelcome trek. The most recent blow to Michigan's economical infrastructure is the recently announced closing of Pfizer Inc. research and development facility in Ann Arbor.


ASMSU resignations raise concerns

ASMSU's final female chairwoman, Julielyn Gibbons, has resigned under mysterious circumstances, saying she did not agree with various situations, but refused to elaborate. The loss of Gibbons will affect ASMSU's Student Assembly.


Proposed campus upgrades warranted

University officials recently announced the next two stops on MSU's 2020 Vision Campus Master Plan: Breslin Center and IM Sports-West. The year will be full of improvement for both establishments, which each have unique needs and users. At Breslin Center, the men's and women's locker rooms will be adjusted to better accommodate players — well, at least MSU's players.


Online libraries beneficial for public

Recently, the University of Texas at Austin became the latest participant in the Google Books Library Project, a program aimed at digitizing books from the libraries of universities nationwide. Thus far, in addition to University of Texas at Austin, University of Michigan, Harvard, Stanford, Oxford universities and the New York Public Library have participated in the project.


Technology holds police accountable

As history looks back on our generation in search of things to define it, two things immediately will spring to mind: the proliferation of camera phones and Internet video, and graphic displays of human cruelty. Recently, these two things have been working hand in hand. Take, for instance, the widely circulated and disgustingly popular snuff video of Saddam Hussein's hanging.


Combat hate by attending concert

Mason residents are letting their true ignorance and prejudice show. Last fall, Teri Yale, owner and manager of Mason record store Davey's Basement, towed the homecoming float for Mason High School's Gay-Straight Alliance.


Promises must be kept by trustees

On Jan. 19, the MSU Board of Trustees will hold its first meeting of the year. It also will be the first board meeting for new Democratic Trustees Faylene Owen and George Perles, whose eight-year terms began Jan.


Politician expresses religious right

Last week, Keith Ellison took office as the first Muslim member of Congress. During his private ceremony, Ellison was sworn in with one hand on the Muslim holy book — the Quran. And alas, the country did not crumble and fall into the hands of our opponents when the Minnesota congressman's hand rested on the Quran during the ceremony. Prior to Ellison's private ceremony, he joined his fellow representatives for a public swearing in ceremony, where no holy book was present.


University should create Prop. 2 plan

With the Dec. 23 deadline to comply with Proposal 2 long passed and the Dec. 29 appellate ruling that denied Michigan universities a six-month transition period, MSU finds itself scrambling to satisfy the requirements of Proposal 2. In the State News article "How could a ban on affirmative action affect the imprint of diversity on campus?" (SN 10/20), university officials seemed unclear as to what the implications of Proposal 2 would be if it were passed.


Speaker should unify Congress

As the Democrats officially took control of Congress last week following a bitter midterm election, they also made the historic decision to elect Nancy Pelosi as speaker of the House — the first woman ever to hold the position.


Pretty good year for some

A good year for … Democratic Party        While we all should be thankful for the loss of the Republican majority (whew!), it should be noted that the Democrats won by default.


International conference good for Iraq

The numbers keep coming, people keep dying, yet the two countries most closely linked to problems surrounding Iraq's increasingly disastrous civil war don't want to admit anything is wrong. It's obvious by now that Iraq and the United States are unable to solve the problems facing a country continuing to spiral out of control — and the latest is Iraq doesn't want anyone else's help either. On Sunday, Iraqi officials rejected suggestions from the international community that a conference be held to discuss the ever-intensifying violence within the country.