Thursday, September 19, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Raise in bus prices is not a surprise

Well, we knew this was going to happen. When Capital Area Transportation Authority proposed taking over the MSU bus system not so long ago, students reacted by saying CATA would increase prices.


Taxed Books

While the elimination of the state sales tax on textbooks would be a nice gesture, the tax’s absence won’t make much of a difference. State Rep.


U president should listen

Maybe it all started a few years ago with Bill Clinton. The nation got a glimpse of politics at its worst, when our then-president addressed the nation about serious and inflammatory issues, and didn’t actually say anything at all.


Rape letter was very shocking

I’m sure I’m not the only one who will be compelled to respond to Michael Bochenek’s letter to the editor (“Rape accusation is very serious,” SN 2/22). I’m also sure that no matter what anyone has to say, it will not change his opinion, and that is fine.


Rates rising

It is disappointing the Capital Area Transportation Authority has proposed raising its rates, but it’s within the parameters of its contract with MSU. CATA distributed a notice to students in some MSU dorms stating the bus system is considering raising its single-ride rates for students, senior citizens and people with disabilities from 25 cents to 50 cents.


Rape should be taken seriously

I have never been so motivated to write to The State News than after I read the most chauvinistic letter I’ve ever seen (“Rape accusation is very serious,” SN 2/22). How dare you assume this poor girl brought that on herself!


Council member misidentified

The State News’ editorial “Dance On” (2/22) incorrectly identified me, by name and title, as the lone dissenting vote against a special-use permit for a dance floor, coupled with other conditions, requested by the Spartan Sports Den before the East Lansing City Council at our Tuesday meeting.


Common Grounds wasnt in article

While I was excited to read about the new music venue that will be opening up in the area (“New all-ages venue for local, national bands to display talent,” SN 2/22,), I couldn’t help but feel frustrated because The Common Grounds Coffeehouse, located in the basement of Akers Hall, continues to be completely ignored by The State News. Started in 1998 by an MSU student, Common Grounds has been an unbelievably positive outlet for students to come and see both local and national bands.


Presidents tax cut doesnt benefit everyone

The struggle against economic slowdown, which many have foreseen and feared, has gained a leader. According to the new leader, the economy will be boosted once again, and this time everyone will reap the benefits. That fearless leader: George W.


Petition drive to get law on ballot

In response to Ross Dykman’s misinformed letter about the Carried Concealed Weapon (CCW) petition drive (“Not all gun owners are extremists,” SN 2/21), I would simply like to make a few clarifications. The purpose of the petition drive is not to “overturn” Dykman’s precious lame-duck CCW law.


Its up to U to make life easier for everyone

While walking between locations on campus, driving my car between these same places or riding my motorized skateboard with a handle (but that’s a past-tense activity, because the four or five of us scooter-riders on campus have been banned from sidewalks and streets at MSU), I kept thinking about writing a column that would carefully focus on things that irritate some of us, aggravate others and simply drive the rest of the population crazy. I knew it had to reflect the inherent beliefs of the population, but MSU is a pretty big place with a whole lot of really different people.


Dance on

The East Lansing City Council should be commended for approving dance floors for local businesses. The council approved requests for dance floors at Troppo, 213 Ann St., and Spartan Sports Den, 1227 E.