Tuesday, January 7, 2025

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Universal health care not socialist

It would seem as if our electorate has already let the Republicans win the health care debate: They have successfully framed the issue as one of “free market” versus “socialism.” The comments posted on my column from two weeks ago are perfectly good evidence of this. The entire debate was about how a government bureaucracy was going to make health care completely inefficient in this country.


TAs crucial part of education, importance proven in math

I wish to dispel the belief that graduate teaching assistantships are not “real jobs” and thus that TAs have no right to a fair contract. Walking down the B wing of Wells Hall on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday, you will find packed lecture halls and benches full of students. The same time on Tuesday or Thursday you will find a near-empty hallway. Many students in mathematics can attend three 50-minute lectures each week and be successful. I teach those who need something more.


MSU should revoke Mugabe's honorary degree

No one would consider giving honors to a ruthless violator of human rights. But that’s the position in which MSU has been placed. One of the university’s honorary degrees is held by Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe — a man who is thought to have killed a number of innocent citizens in his own country.


Future campus parking plans will inhibit students, staff

Roughly 16,000, or 35 percent, of MSU’s 46,000 students live on campus. This leaves 30,000 students as well as 11,000 faculty and staff who must commute to campus daily. This is an incredibly large portion of MSU’s workforce and source of tuition and income. Why, then, does MSU’s administration seem so intent on inconveniencing them?


Invisible fence wastes cash, border resources

A 28-mile stretch of the U.S. border seems to have become our government’s latest “shiny object” — distracting both lawmakers and citizens from the underlying immigration issue. The stretch of land in the Southwest has been the testing ground for a virtual fence intended to improve border security while reducing personnel.


SN lawsuit vital for all students

Almost exactly two years ago, a crime that has become shrouded in controversy was committed on campus. You’ve probably heard this before: Three men — one armed with a handgun and a water bottle containing gasoline — entered a South Hubbard Hall dorm room Feb. 23, 2006, and threatened three occupants. One man poured gasoline on a victim and threatened to light it.


Animal abusers tied with circus should be punished

Concerning past letters published in The State News about the circus coming to Breslin Center: I couldn’t agree more. I used to attend the circus as a child, but stopped going many years ago. I couldn’t stand seeing those poor animals caged, not to mention the horrible abuse they suffer.


Many ways to go 'green' in E.L.

My two sisters and I each received two empty shopping bags for Christmas this year. They are bright, they come in a small pouch that fits in either my purse or my coat pocket, and they expand to the size of a large plastic grocery bag. But the real gift wasn’t the empty nylon bags, it was the challenge to become more environmentally conscious.


Federal funds needed to fight war on drugs

Before the “war on terrorism,” there was the “war on drugs.” While the former continues to receive more and more funding, the latter is sinking further down the priority list. Funding for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant — a federal program that supplements state and local governments’ law enforcement efforts and prevention and treatment programs — was reduced from $520 million to $170 million this January.


E.L's local businesses not alone in struggle

Even for people who haven’t lived in the area long, there seems to be an obvious exodus of local businesses. And spaces recently vacated by Ria Malaysian Restaurant, 321 E. Grand River Ave., and Burger Down, 529 E. Grand River Ave., remain vacant.


Corporations' ill will evident

In his small but powerful role in “Boiler Room,” Ben Affleck uttered the best line in cinema to describe corporations: They exist for one reason, “to become filthy rich, that’s all. We’re not saving the f—-ing manatees.” Profit is the bottom line.


Great Lakes need to be preserved

Many MSU students have probably been to at least one of the Great Lakes, if only once. In fact, a large number of Midwesterners have come to lakes Michigan, Huron, Superior, Erie or Ontario to swim, boat, fish or vacation.


African nations in peril need U.S. leadership

It shouldn’t take another full-scale genocide to pay attention. And the current administration shouldn’t take all the time in the world to do the right thing — especially when it comes to Kenya and Darfur. Africa has had its fair share of bloodshed and violence, especially along the eastern portion of the continent where Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia and Sudan are located.


Founding Fathers' courage led country to success

I am writing in response to Alex Freitag’s column entitled “U.S. founders not experts now” (SN 2/18). This article seemed to devalue the role of the Founding Fathers in forming and maintaining this great nation, and I would like to set the record straight.