Recent Articles
Israel must take responsibility
As the final troops withdraw from the meticulously planned campaign that left at least 1300 Palestinians dead and thousands more wounded, both the Palestinian and Israeli governments have the opportunity to finally acknowledge that either they must approach peace with nonviolence, or that they aren’t really interested in peace.
Republican party full of scandals
Those who know me know I despise the American political system. That’s why I love Republicans.
Consider planet when having kids
Kids, kids, kids. They’re everywhere. More than 73.7 million in the United States in 2006. We call children our future, our little bundles of joy. But is our cultural obsession with our own children really helping us as a society?
Violent culture devalues animals
Francisco Jose de Goya taught me something about culture. Visiting his exhibit at the Prado Museum in Madrid last week, I perused the work of a man who acknowledged human legitimization of cruelty.
U.S. military budget excessive
To a man who owns a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. With a military budget nearly that of the entire world combined — $529 billion in 2007 — the United States has one hell of a hammer. Not only is much of that budget tied up in counterproductive Middle Eastern entanglements, but much of military research is inapplicable to any foreseeable conflict.