Governor Gretchen Whitmer speaks at the State of the State Address at the Michigan State Capitol Building in Lansing on Feb. 26, 2025.
Representatives and senators filled every seat of the House chamber at the Michigan State Capitol on Wednesday, Feb. 26, for the State of the State Address, highlighting Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's policy focuses including affordable higher education for all Michiganders.
The State of the State Address is a speech given annually by governors to both houses of the state legislature during a joint session. The purpose of the speech is to report on the condition of the state, citing accomplishments as well as future plans.
This year's speech was unique from her past few addresses, considering the switch in government power following the November election, with Republicans regaining control of the Michigan House, losing the Democratic trifecta since the 2022 midterm elections and President Donald Trump regained the presidential title.
This was felt in Whitmer’s speech as she worked to appeal to both parties, advocating for bipartisan solutions to Michigan issues, including higher education of residents.
"In 2022, we created the bipartisan Michigan Achievement Scholarship, lowering the cost of a bachelor’s degree by up to $27,500," Whitmer said in her speech. "Today, more than 56,000 students are already saving thousands of dollars."
Another program that Whitmer touched on was Michigan Reconnect, launched in 2021. This bipartisan program offers residents 25 years old and older a tuition-free associate's degree or skills certificate at local community colleges. Whitmer said more than 200,000 Michiganders have taken that step.
She also mentioned the Community College Guarantee program, which began last fall and allows high school graduates to earn an associate’s degree or skills certificate tuition-free, which helped over 240,000 Michiganders attend community and tribal colleges.
Whitmer went on to recognize the gender gap across higher education, with more women pursuing college than men. She said women outnumber men two to one in the Michigan Reconnect program's enrollment. She stated that the Michigan education programs have been effective, but "we need to do a better job getting young men signed up."
Whitmer shared that she will sign an executive directive that aims to reach more young men and boost their enrollment in higher education and skills training programs.
"My message tonight goes out to all young people, but especially our young men," Whitmer said. "I know it’s hard to get ahead right now. But I promise you, no matter how hard life might get, there is always a way out and a way up. And to the women out there who are succeeding after decades of having the deck stacked against you, I see your resilience, and I will never abandon my commitment to equal opportunity and dignity for everyone. That’s why, no matter who you are, we want to help you learn more and earn more."
Other elected officials in attendance also commented on current issues facing Michigan State University. Gilchrist commented on the threat to federal funding, which would affect MSU students.
"I think it's disgusting," Gilchrist said. "I think the Trump administration is clearly not focused on the success and future of young people by even threatening to cut a program like that. You contrast that with what we've done here at the state level by creating the Michigan Achievement Scholarship or creating the Michigan Reconnect program and the Michigan Guarantee. I care about that, I'm a scholarship kid."
He said that while residents should be worried, they should advocate to their representatives in Washington, D.C. to protect their grant money and loans coming from the federal government. He said Michigan would be focused on supporting people's educational success.
Rep. Julie Brixie, who serves the 73rd Michigan House District, which includes MSU, echoed Gilchrist’s message about contacting representatives in Washington, D.C., encouraging students and parents to make sure items they care about are preserved in the federal budget.
"Today, we heard that we are making it a priority in Michigan to invest more in higher education and access to higher education," Rep. Emily Dievendorf of the 77th Michigan House District, also including East Lansing, said. "For that to become a reality, we need the cooperation of our federal government. We need the support, and we need to not lose the funding that's already been provided."
Whitmer mentioned during her speech how Michigan Tech has joined other Michigan universities as an R1 top research college. However, she did not mention the talks of cutting federal funding of research during her address. The National Institute of Health (NIH) funding froze last month, then the freeze was paused and partially lifted, but many applications for medical research funds were stalled.
The NIH cuts would also have a 27 million dollar impact on MSU research funds.
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Brixie said that the NIH and National Science Foundation (NSF) appear to be "trying to claw back money that's already been approved and appropriated." She said the funding has a big effect on research at MSU and that cutting funding can have a negative impact on students, as many have research positions.
Gilchrist said there is concern over what federal cuts could mean for Michigan’s future and emphasized the research and development tax credit the state signed into law in January.
Another looming cut affecting universities is regarding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programs, which President Trump has made directives to eliminate or limit.
"The quest to eliminate DEI and not fund anyone who does anything with DEI is pretty disturbing, given the diversity of MSU and MSU's attention to that diversity, (care) and thoughtfulness," Brixie said.
Dievendorf also spoke about the role of DEI in higher education and advocated for the teaching of history that includes all perspectives and experiences.
"I contend that ensuring our students learn accurate histories that include the experiences of all of our neighbors is essential to our learning from our mistakes, our learning from history and looking forward and continuing to do more and better," Dievendorf said. "History is a non-negotiable. Unfortunately, it is too often written by those who have power, and we can't go back to a place where we are silencing some voices because we refuse to acknowledge the ways that we have come to learn and grow."
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