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GSCC to host annual Pride Prom in celebration of 'resilience, community'

March 31, 2023
Flags and buttons at the MSU Pride Prom at the MSU Museum on April 5, 2019.
Flags and buttons at the MSU Pride Prom at the MSU Museum on April 5, 2019.

Prom is often cited as a rite of passage for high school students. Gender and Sexuality Campus Center assistant director Oprah Revish said many members of the LGBTQIA2s+ community don't get the opportunity to celebrate prom during their high school years.

This led the GSCC to the idea of hosting a 're-do' in college. 

The Gender and Sexuality Campus Center, or GSCC,  will host its annual Pride Prom on Saturday, April 1, from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center.

“Most folks reflect fondly on their prom experience. This is not true for all LGBTQIA2S+ people,” Revish said in an email. “Some are from places where they couldn’t be fully themselves because of the threat of violence or some schools have outright banned open gender expression in clothing choices and banned ‘same-sex’ couples from attending prom.”

Pride Prom is a tradition that has been upheld on campus for over a decade. Revish said the purpose of the event is to celebrate resilience and community. 

The theme of the event is ‘Pixels and Power-Ups.’ Revish said this resonates with a lot of the students she knows, who have an interest in video games. 

This year’s prom, Revish said, is especially important due to recent legislation that has been passed throughout the country — citing attacks of gender-affirming care, the barring of transgender athletes from sports teams and the banning of books that showcase queer characters. 

“So Pride Prom is being held because at the end of the day, after all the hatred direct, indirect and indifference, we are still here," Revish said in an email. "We are still finding joy and love in this world and that deserves to be celebrated.”


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