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Farm Lane bridge construction to begin April 3

March 23, 2023
Photo Courtesy of MSU Infrastructure Planning and Facilities
Photo Courtesy of MSU Infrastructure Planning and Facilities

The Farm Lane bridge will be closed periodically throughout the next year due to construction. Throughout this time, the bridge will be completely rebuilt, along with a new pedestrian walkway across the river. 

MSU Infrastructure Planning and Facilities, or IPF, is undertaking the $44 million project out of necessity. Since the bridge was initially built in 1936, it has withstood decades of traffic and weather and it has deteriorated in the process. Typically, 12,000 vehicles and 7,000 pedestrians cross the bridge each day. 

The Michigan Department of Transportation reduced the bridge’s load limits in 2019 and 2021, which resulted in the closure of the northbound lane. Now, the middle lane and southbound lane are the only usable lanes, and semi tractor trailers are not allowed on the bridge. 

The department now inspects the bridge every six months. IPF spokesperson Fred Woodhams said if the load limit is further reduced, large commercial trucks like fire trucks and garbage trucks will not be allowed. Woodhams said the bridge is especially crucial because it is the only bridge on campus above the 100-year floodplain. 

“It’s certainly been on our radar screen that the bridge needed to be replaced in the near future,” Woodham said. “Given the recent inspections that resulted in the closure of a lane, we knew that this project needed to happen sooner than later. So we brought the plan to the administration and the board, and we're very grateful and pleased that they agreed to move forward and authorize moving forward with the project.”

The construction will include the addition of new utility infrastructure to the bridge, such as electrical, steam and communication. The new bridge will also have sidewalks and bike lanes. 

IPF has also decided to build a pedestrian bridge between the areas of Bessey Hall and Erickson Hall which will help separate vehicular and pedestrian traffic. 

“Because of the critical importance of that crossing for pedestrians, we thought it was appropriate to add a new pedestrian bridge to accommodate pedestrian crossings during the closure period,” Woodhams said. “It will also help pedestrian traffic and bicycle traffic in the future.” 

Project timeline 

The utility rerouting work will begin April 3. During this time, the bridge will not be closed, but there will be pedestrian detours. 

During the summer semester, the new pedestrian bridge will be built and utility work on the vehicular bridge will continue. The vehicular bridge will be closed to vehicles, but pedestrians and cyclists can still use it. The intersections of Farm Lane with Auditorium Road and with North Shaw Lane will also be closed.  

In September, the vehicular bridge will reopen to vehicles. Pedestrians and cyclists will be able to use the new pedestrian bridge. 

Then in December 2023, the vehicular bridge will be completely demolished and the new one built. Vehicles will have to take detours, and pedestrians and cyclists will use the pedestrian bridge. The work is expected to finish in June of 2024.


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