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MSU, U-M provide rivalry game day safety tips for students

October 27, 2022
<p>MSU fans gather in Cedar Village after MSU&#x27;s victory over the University of Michigan on Oct. 30, 2021. </p>

MSU fans gather in Cedar Village after MSU's victory over the University of Michigan on Oct. 30, 2021.

The MSU vs. University of Michigan football game will take place this Saturday, Oct. 29 at 7:30 p.m. in Ann Arbor. Whether watching the game in Ann Arbor or at home in East Lansing, both universities have collaborated to provide important reminders to ensure that this weekend’s game and festivities are safe for everyone.

If attending the game, make sure to be familiar with the most up-to-date Michigan Stadium guidelines. If staying at MSU, choose well-lit, highly traveled routes when traveling around campus and East Lansing. If an area feels unsafe, leave immediately.

Research shows students are less likely to experience harm when staying with friends, staying in one location and staying with one type of alcohol, Director of National Social Norms Center Dennis Martell said.

When students choose to drink, it is important to eat throughout the day, not to drive and to make a set plan to get home safely.

"We all want students to be successful academically and socially, and we need to keep your health at the prime levels," Martell said. "It's important because by research it's one of the highest weekends when there's Halloween and a rivalry football game — those are some challenging celebratory events."

One-third of Spartans are "celebratory drinkers," or only drink during celebratory occasions, and haven't found their alcohol limit yet. The majority of students also drink four or fewer drinks. However, on celebratory occasions, students approve of and tend to drink more.

If someone has noticed a friend drank too much alcohol, they should follow three steps: see what’s going on, call 911 and stay with the individual until help arrives. When calling 911, students should keep in mind that Michigan’s Medical Amnesty laws remove any perceived barriers when getting help for someone in danger.

When choosing a Halloween costume, students should think twice before deciding what to wear as culturally inappropriate costumes can be offensive to others.

“Also realize that not everyone dressed in a Halloween costume has good intentions,” Martell said. “If something doesn't seem safe it probably isn’t. Trust your instincts.”

The following are additional tips the universities have provided.

Be respectful and responsible:

  • Leave the rivalry on the field. Be a positive fan by cheering for your own team, not against the other. Avoid using profane gestures or messages, foul language and threats.

  • Use this resource to celebrate responsibly when hosting an event or social gathering. Prior to the event, speak with neighbors to agree on a plan to resolve potential issues.

  • Most University of Michigan and MSU students make safe decisions when choosing to use alcohol or other drugs. Use these game day tips if choosing to drink.

  • Have a designated sober driver or plan transportation methods ahead of time.

  • Keep in mind that it is illegal to have open containers of alcohol on public property, unless in a designated tailgate area. Sidewalks, streets and public buildings are all forms of public property.

Additional tips to remember when celebrating this weekend:

  • It is illegal to drink alcohol if you are under 21.

  • Permitting or continuing to permit noise that disturbs the health, peace or safety of others is unlawful. Control noise level at events.

  • Manage the number of guests at your party as guests should not be blocking sidewalks or streets.

  • To avoid receiving a citation, promptly clean up after your event.

  • If you’re experiencing symptoms such as a new cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, fatigue or are already sick, stay home.

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