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MSU to allow students with all online classes to stay home for fall semester

July 2, 2020
<p>A quad style dorm room in Akers Hall photographed on Feb. 25, 2020.</p>

A quad style dorm room in Akers Hall photographed on Feb. 25, 2020.

Michigan State announced the option for students with all online classes to study from home for the fall 2020 semester.

According to the MSU Live On website, if a student’s class schedule is completely online, and they are living at their permanent home address with a parent or guardian, they will be allowed to stay home.

Those who select this option will be asked to submit documentation of class schedule and permanent address.

The housing office plans to email students with further details. This option does not apply to the spring semester, which will be revisited at a later date.

MSU cannot guarantee the same room and roommate assignments if students defer housing until spring, according to the statement.

According to University Spokesperson Emily Guerrant, MSU typically plans for approximately 14,000 students living in the residence halls each year.

Dorms will be configured to allow for six-feet physical distancing between occupants. Smaller rooms will be moved to singles. Quad dorms, such as Akers, will remain with four occupants as they still allow for six-feet space.

Even with some rooms being moved to singles, the occupancy was expected to be around the same this fall, Guerrant said.

Staying home will not be required. Students whose classes are entirely online can still live on campus if they choose.

Students also have the option to go back into their course schedule builder and change courses to in-person or hybrid, if they would prefer that style of learning for fall semester, according to the Live On site.

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