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East Lansing 2020 Jazz Festival canceled due to COVID-19

April 21, 2020
<p>A saxophone musician is performing at the 23rd East Lansing Summer Solstice Jazz Festival on June 21.</p>

A saxophone musician is performing at the 23rd East Lansing Summer Solstice Jazz Festival on June 21.

The 2020 East Lansing Summer Solstice Jazz Festival has been canceled due to COVID-19, according to the City of East Lansing.

The festival was set to take place June 19 to 20.

The artists scheduled to preform have been invited to perform in the 2021 festival, said East Lansing Community Events Specialist Justin Drwencke.

The city is exploring the possibility of a virtual event but nothing has been confirmed.

Sponsors of the 2020 festival are permitted to request a refund for their donations, however major donors have committed to rolling their donations over to the 2021 festival, Drwencke said.

Past Summer Solstice Jazz Festivals have brought around 7,000 to 10,000 patrons.

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