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Column: The trials and tribulations of my roommate experiences

"I promise I'm not difficult to live with."

October 8, 2019
The third floor of MSU's Phillips Hall which consist of all single rooms on Oct. 2, 2017.
The third floor of MSU's Phillips Hall which consist of all single rooms on Oct. 2, 2017.

As a senior at Michigan State, I can confidently say ‘I’ve been through it all.’

I kicked off my freshman year with my best friend from my hometown: Toledo, Ohio. Let’s just say we thrived. We kept to ourselves, but in the best way possible. Our dorm room in South Wonders Hall was our new home. Late night Sparty’s runs were our forte.

Then she left after the first semester to continue her education back in Toledo. 

My second semester at State, I was alone in a double. Lonely? Heck no! I had two closets, so I was perfectly happy. 

My suite mates and I got close due to the absence of my hometown bestie. Looking into housing for sophomore year, we decided to be suite mates again. 

I lived with my sophomore year roommate for around two weeks in East Holden Hall, until an apartment opened up for her elsewhere. I promise I am not difficult to live with!

History repeated itself and I utilized my two closets. Spring semester of my second year a new roomie was assigned to me. That one lasted six days, a new record-low for me.

Junior year is when everything changed. I stayed in my sorority house on M.A.C. Avenue with 49 other women. Yes, you heard me. Fifty women in one house.

I learned how amazing it was to be able to choose from 49 other closets for my Saturday night look. Or how quickly the latest house drama could spread. My favorite part about living with so many women was the bond we all formed throughout the year.

I hadn’t been able to create a bond like that due to my abnormal roommate history. Although I was living off-campus, I felt like a part of the MSU community more than ever. 

Thanks to my experience in a house jam-packed with women, I was able to discover my best friends. 

Fast forward to the present, I currently live in a house on Grove Street with four other women. Just a tad different from 50. I have the biggest closet in the house; I was never able to adjust after the double closet experience.

After living on-campus with cafeterias, to living with a chef at the sorority house, grocery shopping this year has been the struggle. Turns out a loaf of bread, a jar of peanut butter and a six-pack of Kraft macaroni is not sustainable.

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