Friday, July 26, 2024

What could you buy with ex-President Simon's retirement payout?

August 29, 2019

Ex-Michigan State President Lou Anna K. Simon will officially retire from the university on Aug. 31, 2019 after 45 years. She will hold the titles of president emeritus and faculty emeritus with a payout of $2.45 million over three years. 

What could you buy with Simon's $2.45 million retirement payout?



Each person living in Ann Arbor and Lansing could have pizza, and there would still be pizza left to share.


That's 1,730,429 cans, which is enough for each MSU undergraduate students to have 43 cans of Oberon.


That's enough for each MSU undergraduate student to have 26 coffees.

Simon maintained a tenured faculty position and a Wills House office after resigning as president in January 2018. 

Last fall, Simon took an unpaid leave of absence while facing criminal charges in Eaton County, where state officials allege Simon lied to police about her knowledge related to 2014 Title IX investigations into ex-MSU and USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar’s sexual abuse.

The announcement of Simon’s retirement came one week after her preliminary hearing — which lasted seven days — for those charges concluded.

“Michigan State is on the precipice of a new chapter under the leadership of President Stanley,” Simon said in a university press release. 

She said she would continue scholarly pursuits and community engagement while living in Traverse City. It has not been determined yet whether or not Simon’s case will move to trial.

Simon’s retirement payout has been met with criticism by members of the university community.

"Those who covered up institutional abuse are getting millions... Millions that could be going toward resources for survivors on campus... Where is the accountability? @michiganstateu you have failed us again. Unacceptable," The Army of Survivors wrote via Twitter.

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