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After recent snowfall, here are tips for staying safe during wintry conditions

November 27, 2018
<p>Junior advertising management major Dom Rea brushes the snow off his car to prepare to drive to IM Sports East to play some basketball on Feb. 8, 2018 at Waters Edge apartments. (C.J. Weiss | The State News)</p>

Junior advertising management major Dom Rea brushes the snow off his car to prepare to drive to IM Sports East to play some basketball on Feb. 8, 2018 at Waters Edge apartments. (C.J. Weiss | The State News)

Winter is coming to East Lansing and MSU's campus. 

A snow system dropped six to eight inches of snow over the Capital area Sunday night and Monday morning, signaling the beginning to the Michigan winter. 

With temperatures falling and snowfall increasing, hazardous conditions caused by wintry weather are on the rise. Here are some tips for staying safe and warm on campus in cold winter weather.

Tips when walking

  1. Wear traction-soled shoes or boots to prevent slipping on icy sidewalks. Use caution when crossing the street. Ice on roads make it difficult for cars to brake. Look both ways and take your time — there’s no need to rush.
  2. Limit your time outside and bundle up. It’s important to cover exposed skin, so layer your clothing and wear hats, gloves and scarves. 
  3. Stay hydrated — more fluids are needed to sustain functions of your body to handle cold weather. Take a water bottle with you to class, or drink coffee or tea to keep warm. 
  4. Take your time entering and exiting buildings and look out for icy patches. Many buildings have railings on the outside, so take advantage and hold on. Walk in designated walkways and sidewalks as much as possible. Avoid walking through snow or unmarked territory. 
  5. Use floor mats when entering a building — it prevents you and others from potentially slipping on melted snow. 

Tips when driving

  1. Check for weather updates before departing your home. This lets you know how many layers to put on based on the day's temperature and keeps you aware of the latest road conditions.
  2. Plan ahead. Give yourself a sufficient amount of time to reach your destination.
  3. Keep a snow brush in your car for wiping snow and ice off your vehicle in the morning. Completely clear all windows of your vehicle for increased sight of your surroundings. 
  4. Give yourself extra time to brake. It reduces your chances of skidding. Take your time and slow down! If you’re in a hurry, you’re more likely to drive recklessly.
  5. Keep your vehicle winterized with a full tank of gas, good windshield wiper blades, snow tires, blanket and an emergency winter vehicle kit.

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