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MSU sends more than 1,300 pages to House of Reps. regarding Nassar

February 14, 2018
Ex-MSU physician Larry Nassar raises his right hand before reading a statement on the third and final day of sentencing on Feb. 5, 2018 in the Eaton County courtroom. Nassar faced three counts of criminal sexual conduct in Eaton County and was sentenced up to 125 years.
Ex-MSU physician Larry Nassar raises his right hand before reading a statement on the third and final day of sentencing on Feb. 5, 2018 in the Eaton County courtroom. Nassar faced three counts of criminal sexual conduct in Eaton County and was sentenced up to 125 years.

MSU sent the Michigan House of Representatives more than 1,300 pages of documents about ex-MSU and USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar on Feb. 14.

The House has an open inquiry into complaints filed to MSU in 2014-17 against Nassar.

State representatives Klint Kesto and Kim LaSata made a request for the documents Jan. 25. MSU was granted an extension on Feb. 9.

"The information we received today is another strong step toward the kind of accountability and transparency we expect from Michigan State University,” LaSata said in a press release. “We will review the documents to see how MSU handled the complaints, and then take appropriate measures based on our findings.”

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