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Follow along for 2017 election results as they come in

November 7, 2017

Update 11:17: These are the final vote totals for the 2017 East Lansing General Election. A summary of the results can be read here.

There are two East Lansing City Council seats open with three candidates running. The candidates are incumbents Ruth Beier and Susan Woods and MSU senior Aaron Stephens.

Also on the ballot are income tax and millage reduction proposals.

Editor's note: An asterisk (*) means the candidate/proposal succeeded.

City Council

*Ruth Beier 37 percent, 3,522 votes

*Aaron Stephens 33 percent, 3,031 votes

Susan Woods 28 percent, 2,695 votes

Write-in 1 percent, 132 votes

Income Tax 

Yes 46 percent, 2,863 votes

*No 53 percent, 3,249 votes

Property Tax Reduction 

*Yes 63 percent, 3,832 votes

No 36 percent, 2,175 votes

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