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Celebrations at Cedar Village end with no arrests, fires

October 9, 2017
<p>MSU fans celebrate the Spartan's 14-10 victory over U-M Oct. 7 by swarming the Spartan Statue. Photo courtesy of Sasha Zidar.</p>

MSU fans celebrate the Spartan's 14-10 victory over U-M Oct. 7 by swarming the Spartan Statue. Photo courtesy of Sasha Zidar.

No arrests were made from the crowd that gathered in Cedar Village after MSU's win against the University of Michigan Saturday night, and the crowd did not set any fires, East Lansing Deputy Chief Steve Gonzalez said.

“It was relatively calm compared to incidents that we’ve had in the past with large crowds," Gonzalez said. "There was no property damage done, that we’re aware of.”

After MSU's last second win against U-M in 2015, Cedar Village had two fires set, one on a giant teddy bear and the other in a dumpster. At least three arrests were made that night, according to a previous State News article.

Around 350 people were in Cedar Village celebrating Saturday night, Gonzalez said.

The crowd marched to the Spartan Statue, where again the crowd dispersed without police intervention, Gonzalez said.

“It was nice to see that people celebrated responsibly and simply had a good time and supported the football team in the way they did," Gonzalez said.

There were six cases of arson reported late Saturday night and early Sunday morning, according the ELPD Weekly Report.

However, none of them were related to the crowd that gathered in Cedar Village. Some fires were in the Cedar Village area, but were set after the crowd had relocated, Gonzalez said. 

“Those are your ‘couch fires,’ not all of them were couches, there were some chairs and mattresses that were burned," Gonzalez said. 

“They were expected after a game like that and a big win, but they were certainly not related to the gathering that occurred at all," Gonzalez said.

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