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Letter: Three easy and cheap things to improve your bike ride

September 28, 2016

MSU Bikes has been "Helping people discover the joys of bicycling!" for more than 10 years now on campus and I've been in the trenches here all those years. If I were asked what three things would make your bike riding way more fun and easy here’s my list:

1. Raise your seat:
After 10 years of seeing thousands of bicyclists in our shop and out on the campus roads and paths I guesstimate that more than 3/4 of those I see are riding with their seats anywhere from two to six inches too low.

Your bike is great for many things but is certainly not designed to be nor should it be sized to function as a chair. It is a healthy, non-motorized transportation tool and when adjusted right should feel wonderful to ride when seated.

Rule of thumb:
If you can reach the ground easily from the seat at a stop your seat is about three to five inches too low. If you can touch the ground flat-footed, then raise your seat four to six inches or better yet get a larger bike.

2. Inflate your tires:
We’ve replaced thousands of punctured tubes at MSU Bikes, sometimes more than 30 a day during a busy day. Most customers want to know what caused their flat, so we’ve built up a wealth of knowledge based on all that CSI work that we charge for: the main reason, by far? Very soft tires are the root cause of punctured tubes or flats. It’s called a “pinch flat." 

Rule of thumb:
If you simply inflate your tires every two to three weeks (certainly monthly) at one of many FREE public air stations around campus you’ll prevent this most common type of flat.

3. Oil your chain:
You know the sound, the screeching high-pitch squeaking of a rusty chain going down the road/ path. Those chains are crying for oil, your bike’s next-best friend to air in the tubes. A small bottle of chain oil from a bike shop like MSU Bikes will last you most of your four years at MSU and also come in very handy if your key won’t turn in your lock very well before you snap your key off by forcing it. Your chain and other components will last longer if properly oiled and your ride will be much more enjoyable not to mention those around you who will thank you for not screeching.

Rule of thumb:
Oil your chain when you re-inflate your tires or right after riding in the rain. A little bit goes a long way, so don’t overdo it or you’ll have a big mess everywhere. Wipe down the chain after oiling it to keep it cleaner and from becoming a big ugly mess.

If you’re not sure about any of this just stop by MSU Bikes and one of our staff will be happy to answer any questions about fit, help you find the recommended air pressure or how to oil your chain.

Happy roads!

For more information, click here

Tim Potter is the sustainable transportation manager at MSU Bikes Service Center. 

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