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MSUnicyclers hope to get the wheel spinning

September 26, 2016

MSUnicyclers: a new MSU club that’s taking over campus one wheel at a time.

That’s the legacy environmental studies and sustainability junior Evan Fischer said he hopes to create with the club he helped co-found in the spring of 2016. 

Although he and current Lansing Community College emergency medical technician student Miranda Lieblein had the idea during fall last year, he said it took them a while to get the ball rolling. Both students participated in the MSU Outdoors Club at the time, after those meetings they would go in the basement of IM Sports-West and practice their unicycling skills.

“That was kind of like my test run to try and teach, and then this is the first official year we’re opening it up to everyone,” Fischer said.

Because the club is newer, Fischer said the main goal now is to get more people. He and the other members of the E-board worked on this goal by attending Sparticipation this year. Not only did they have a table at the event, but he and Lieblein took turns riding around on their unicycles with a clipboard to try and get people to sign up for the club, Fischer said.

One person who was attracted to the club at Sparticipation was premedical freshman Alyssa DiMondo. As soon as she saw the sign, she knew it was something she could potentially join, she said. After she met Fischer and Lieblein, she was sold. She put her name down and has been going to meetings and having a lot of fun ever since, she said.

Besides helping her meet Fischer and Lieblein, DiMondo said unicycling has helped her meet other people as well.

“I think my favorite part about riding a unicycle, especially on campus, is people who come up to me and talk to me about it,” she said. “We have a conversation about the club and about other things and how I learned how to ride, and it’s fun to meet new people this way.”

DiMondo isn’t the only person who joined the MSUnicyclers community. Although there hasn’t been a lot of people, Fischer said there has consistently been new people at every meeting.

Lieblein said a range of people have expressed interest, from those involved in greek life to MSU Outdoors Club members and even people in her classes at LCC. Lieblein said when making the club, she and Fischer decided to make it open to everyone, not just MSU students.

Lieblein, who plans on attending MSU spring 2017, said she wished more people would be open to the idea of unicycling.

“The biggest thing I find when I talk about unicycling is that people feel that they can’t, and I don’t ever want people to feel like they can’t do something before they try it,” she said.

Although the goal for now is training new members, Fischer and Lieblein hope to host more events and do more experienced things spring semester. Fischer said some of his plans for the club includes events like unicycle basketball, unicycle races, unicycle tennis, off-road unicycling as well as hosting guest speakers.

The club has been meeting at the turf arena in IM Sports-West from 6:30-8 p.m. but come October, they will need to find a new place to practice Fischer said, because more sports will be moved indoors. He said he hopes meetings will be held in the future at Demonstration Hall.

If more people join and are willing to pay a membership fee, Fischer and Lieblein said that they could eventually get funding to have unicycles members rent for the week. Fischer said he hopes that more unicyclists will become present on MSU’s campus as the club gets more publicity.

“If it gets to the point where MSU police start making us fill out a permit for unicycling, then that’d be a good thing,” he said.

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