Sunday, June 30, 2024

ASMSU to bring Bernie Sanders to Breslin Center

February 27, 2016
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks to the media at the White House after meeting with President Barack Obama on Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2016. (Olivier Douliery/Abaca Press/TNS)
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks to the media at the White House after meeting with President Barack Obama on Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2016. (Olivier Douliery/Abaca Press/TNS)

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders will be coming to Breslin Center on Wednesday March 2, Domonique Clemons, the president of the Associate Students of Michigan State University,  or ASMSU, announced earlier this evening.

Doors are scheduled to open at 4 p.m., with Sanders set to appear at 7. Clemons said admission is free and available on a first-come, first-serve basis, and students can RSVP here. Sanders comes to MSU just days before the Michigan primaries, which are set for March 8.

“We’re really excited to have Bernie Sanders on campus,” Clemons said. “We’re hoping that this will help students engage with the election process a little bit more closely.”

A bill was passed by ASMSU on Jan. 21 to allocate $35,000 to potentially have one or more presidential candidates speak at MSU. Clemons said that none of this money has or will be spent on Sanders himself.

“We are continuing to work with any candidates that are interested in coming to campus,” Clemons said. “We haven’t spent any money on any of the candidates and we won’t be spending any money on the candidates themselves. ... Our only cost is promoting the event and getting the word out.”

Clemons and vice president for governmental affairs Bryn Williams, who introduced the resolution, cited engaging students to vote and become politically active as the main reason for the measure.

“It’s going to be great for students to be able to see these candidates not on a stage for a debate, not for an interview on CNN, but to be able to see them in person and see that they're trying to connect with students as a very large voting (demographic) that doesn’t necessarily always vote,” Williams said after the bill passed.

“Students who are in support of this candidate, maybe after hearing them, will fire them up to vote, and students who are against the candidate, it might fire them up to vote for one of the opponents,” Clemons said.

Ohio Governor John Kasich also visited MSU earlier this month, but ASMSU was not involved with the appearance.

“I feel confident that, even though we won’t be able to bring every candidate, it will still help us as students make an informed decision of who we want to vote for in this important election," Clemons said. 

The State News will be covering the Michigan Primaries during MSU's Spring Break. Check back with us throughout the break for updates. 

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