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MSU Alumni Association accepting applications for Sparty tryouts

November 11, 2015
<p>Sparty looks out at the crowd on Oct. 23, 2015, at Breslin Center. Thousands of fans filled the Breslin Center to kick off the 2015-2016 basketball season. </p>

Sparty looks out at the crowd on Oct. 23, 2015, at Breslin Center. Thousands of fans filled the Breslin Center to kick off the 2015-2016 basketball season.

Every year, spirited students compete to hold the honor of portraying MSU mascot, Sparty, whose legacy spans back several MSU generations.

Students interested in becoming the historical mascot can turn in their hard copy applications to the MSU Alumni Association by Nov. 13 by 5 p.m. 

Sparty was first introduced as a mascot 60 years ago and had a mascot makeover 30 years later to look the way he is seen today.

The Sparty seen out and about today was introduced on Sept. 16, 1989 at Spartan Stadium. The MSU Alumni Association has been in charge of scouting and hosting tryouts since around the same time as the reveal.

"You think about Sparty being the most recognized mascot in the country," MSU Alumni Association Associate Director for Alumni Programs Sue Petrisin said.

Petrisin said tryouts are to help showcase how each person would handle the demands of being Sparty from a child afraid of mascots to unruly students.

"There's a lot behind being a mascot," she said. 

Sparty is a non-verbal mascot and must convey all emotion through physical movement. Hutchinson said the ability to communicate with an audience through movement is essential to performing as Sparty.

As mascots go, Sparty could be considered a masculine, strong symbol which might deter female students. 

Petrisin said female students should feel just as welcome as male students to tryout and pursue the job.

"We encourage anyone who has any interest," Petrisin said. "We would welcome everybody who wants to apply because it's really about having a love for MSU and really showing Spartan pride." 

Performing as Sparty does have it's requirements, an applicant must stand between 5'11 and 6'2 in order to be considered. The costume is demanding of a specific size and body type.

Following the application turn in date, from Nov. 17 through 19 the MSU Alumni Association will interview select candidates and a select group will be invited to try on Sparty's costume and perform a 2 minute skit on Nov. 24.

Petrisin said the skit is where students will need to be creative and respond the way Sparty would to most situations such as to an excited crowd or a young child.

"He is loved by everybody," Petrisin said. "Whether there is a two-year-old or a ninety-year-old, everybody loves Sparty."

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