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International lending center to close in 2016

September 24, 2015
<p>Doctoral student Sun Yanxiang, right, checks out Sept. 17, 2015, at the Lending Center in Spartan Village. The Lending Center is a second hand store used to help international students with home necessities and is closing this spring.</p>

Doctoral student Sun Yanxiang, right, checks out Sept. 17, 2015, at the Lending Center in Spartan Village. The Lending Center is a second hand store used to help international students with home necessities and is closing this spring.

Community Volunteers for International Programs or CVIP has various programs to offer for international students, but one of their programs could be cut due to the closing of Spartan Village — the Lending Center for international students. 

The CVIP developed their Lending Center in 1961 — a place for MSU’s international students and scholars to go to borrow household items so they would not have to buy them.

Stacey Bieler, president of CVIP for the last two years, said the Lending Center started out with lending coats to those that did not have them. As the years went on, the Lending Center transformed into a center that helps MSU international students.

“MSU has the VIPP (Visiting International Professional Program) which is scholars coming from, generally, China and Korea and the thought of them having to buy everything to only stay here for a year is the purpose of the Lending Center,” Bieler said.

According to the CVIP’s website, the Lending Center lends food preparation items, table linens, bedroom linens, bath linens, tableware, cookware and miscellaneous items such as lamps.

"I saved a lot of money lending. My first year here was hard because the Lending Center was not here and I had to buy a lot of stuff."

“It is very good, especially for first year students," graduate student Thien Le said. 

"I saved a lot of money lending. My first year here was hard because the Lending Center was not here and I had to buy a lot of stuff."

Unfortunately, the Lending Center will be closing in spring 2016 due to the closing of Spartan Village.

“It has been a great service to the students and they appreciate it so much,” Lending Center volunteer Ericka Larson said.

International students saw the Lending Center as a valuable resource to make adjusting to campus easier and less expensive. 

“I want to find something good for my family. It helps me save money," Bins Nguyen, husband of graduate horticulture student Dediep Nguyen said.

"It is very good for use. Students don’t have a lot of money for brand new stuff so they can come here for used items."

Groundbreaking for the new Spartan Village happened earlier this month with the student family units expected to be completed by fall 2016 and the rest of the project to be completed in fall of 2017. 

In total, the new Spartan Village will have 244 two to four-bedroom and studio apartments available with an additional 60 single units available and 129 two-bedroom apartments with family space. 

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