Saturday, July 27, 2024

VIDEO: Abrams Planetarium and Broad Art Museum partner for interstellar exhibition

August 3, 2015

Looking up at the sky at night you can see a lot of stars — but not everything you see is what you think it is. 

Some of the lights in the sky are stars while some of them are actually satellites. Trevor Paglen: The Genres exhibit at the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum examines what is actually in the sky.

The tour of the exhibit gives an explanation of the art from both an art perspective and a science perspective with both Shannon Schmoll the director of Abrams Planetarium and Michelle Word the director of education at the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum who lead the tour of the exhibit. They both examined the different art pieces and both gave an artistic explanation and an astrology explanation for the different pieces.  

The Trevor Paglen exhibit is apart of the altered tour series put on by the museum that focuses on bringing in people who have a non-art background to come in and explore the art.

“Every time we look at a work of art we bring our own background to that we bring our own personal experiences as well as are learned experience and our knowledge base,” Word said.

After the tour of the museum everyone was taken to Abrams Planetarium where there were telescopes set outside allowing people to look through and see the sun in detail as well the planet Venus. Inside the planetarium a more scientific explanation was given about the images at the exhibit, using the night sky. A star trail was created as well as an example of what a spy satellite looks like in the night sky.

“It’s important to realize that the lines between science and art and various disciplines are blurred and they can be blurred,” Schmoll said. “It’s not just astronomy and art but it can all be blended together in very interesting ways.”

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