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MSU hockey's Brent Darnell catching fire at the right time

January 15, 2015
<p>The Spartan bench celebrates a goal by Brent Darnell during the game against Minnesota on Dec. 6, 2014, at Munn Ice Arena. The Spartans tied the Golden Gophers, 3-3, but won the extra point in a shootout. Danyelle Morrow/The State News</p>

The Spartan bench celebrates a goal by Brent Darnell during the game against Minnesota on Dec. 6, 2014, at Munn Ice Arena. The Spartans tied the Golden Gophers, 3-3, but won the extra point in a shootout. Danyelle Morrow/The State News

With just four senior skaters on the MSU hockey roster (7-10-1, 1-2-1-1 Big Ten), head coach Tom Anastos needs all the leadership and production he can get out of them. It’s been hard to get that at times, with senior forwards Brent Darnell, Matt Berry and Tanner Sorenson all making their way in-and-out of the lineup throughout the season.

Berry carried the load for the senior class early in the season, putting up seven goals and six assists in 14 games played. However, due to not meeting team expectations, Berry has been a healthy scratch for the last five games. Meanwhile, Sorrenson has only mustered a goal and an assist each in eight games played.

Darnell, on the other hand, has been on fire as of late. After registering two points through the Spartans first 14 games, he has been filling up the stat sheet by tallying three goals and three assists in his last four games (excluding an exhibition against the U.S. National Development Program).

“Just keeping thing’s simple,” Darnell said of his recent success. “Not trying to do too much and being confident in my abilities where even if I do make a mistake, not to worry about and just keep working hard.”

It might not be just as simple as that, though. According to Anastos, Darnell is most effective when he is completely engaged in every aspect of the game. It’s something Anastos has harped on Darnell for since he arrived at MSU.

“When [Darnell’s] successful…he’s moving his feet, he’s physically engaged, he’s emotionally engaged and he plays hard around the net. When he does that, he helps our team.”

It seems as if Darnell has honed into that part of his game and is now enjoying one of the best stretches of his career.

“It’s a mental thing,” Darnell said. “If I’m not doing those things, then I’m not going to have success. Coach [Anastos] kind of drilled that in my head to start doing those things more consistently.”

Darnell has been helping the Spartans out in more ways than showing up on the stat sheet. Playing with good skaters like sophomore forward Thomas Ebbing and junior forward Ryan Keller, Darnell has been an effective player along the board and in the tough areas. "Simple" things like keeping pucks alive in the offensive zone have made quite an impression on his head coach.

“[Darnell] is one of those guys that’s real good at – we call them a ‘slice’ – you can be on a bad angle with your back turned to the net and somehow he’d get the puck to the net and get it into play," Anastos said. 

Yet, maybe the biggest factor in Darnell’s recent play is the fact that he is starting to realize his career as a Spartan is quickly coming to an end.

“It’s coming down,” Darnell said. “Four years has gone by quick. This is my last semester of college; it’s kind of weird, but I wouldn’t trade these four years in for anything. I’m just trying to make the most of it here.”

Anastos' message to his senior is pretty clear. 

“There’s 10-to-14 weeks left in the season and [Darnell’s] Michigan State career here,” Anastos said. “What I’m looking for is his highest level of play every day, every week with a sense of urgency that there is no tomorrow.

“He was one of three players on our team that got into the NCAA tournament their freshman year here. I’d like to see him take on some of that responsibility of helping us have a strong second half to see if we can work our way back there before he’s done.”

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